Creating a country imbued with a scientific culture was Jawaharlal Nehru's dream, and immediately after independence he prepared a grand design to achieve it. Among the temples of modern India which he designed, was a centre of excellence in the medical sciences. Nehru's dream was that such a centre would set the pace for medical education and research in Southeast Asia , and in this he had the wholehearted support of his Health Minister, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur.
The health survey and development committee ,chaired by Sir Joseph Bhore, an Indian Civil Servant ,had in 1946 already recommended the establishment of a national medical centre which would concentrate on meeting the need for highly qualified manpower to look after the nation's expanding health care activities .
The dreams of Nehru and Amrit Kaur and the recommendations of the Bhore Committee converged to create a proposal which found favor with the government of New Zealand. A generous grant from New Zealand under the Colombo Plan made it possible to lay the foundation stone of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in 1952.The AIIMS was finally created in 1956,as an autonomous institution through an Act of Parliament ,to serve as a nucleus for nurturing excellence in all aspect of health care.
All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.
The Institute has comprehensive facilities for teaching, research and patient-care. As provided in the Act, AIIMS conducts teaching programs in medical and para-medical courses both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and awards its own degrees. Teaching and research are conducted in 42 disciplines. In the field of medical research AIIMS is the lead, having more than 600 research publications by its faculty and researchers in a year. AIIMS also runs a College of Nursing and trains students for B.Sc.(Hons.) Nursing post-certificate) degrees.
Twenty-five clinical departments including four super specialty centers manage practically all types of disease conditions with support from pre- and Para-clinical departments. However, burn cases, dog-bite cases and patients suffering from infectious diseases are not entertained in the AIIMS Hospital. AIIMS also manages a 60-beded hospital in the Comprehensive Rural Health Centre at Ballabgarh in Haryana and provides health cover to about 2.5 lakh population through the Centre for Community Medicine.
Objectives of AIIMS
- To develop a pattern of teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in all its branches so as to demonstrate high standard of medical education to all medical colleges and other allied institutions in India.
- To bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of the personnel in all important branches of the health activity.
- to attain self sufficiency in postgraduate in medical education.
Functions of AIIMS- Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in medical and related physical biological sciences.
- Nursing and dental education
- Innovations in education.
- Producing medical teachers for the country.
- Research in medical and related sciences.
- Health care : preventive, promotive and curative; primary, secondary & tertiary.
- Community based teaching and research
RESEARCHThe library, named after the first Director of the Institute, is a treasure house having 61423 books, 53547 journals and 14008 reports in the field of Biomedical Sciences. The library receives 490 journals and 80 newsletters every year. The library is open to the readers from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. seven days a week. The library has a computer facility, microfilm library reader and reader-printer facility The rich and efficient is a potent force for energising our research activities
At AIIMS research is not just a routine activity but rather a mission with three objectives. As anywhere else, the primary purpose of research is to gratify curiosity by disciplined activity, thereby leading to creation of new knowledge. But at AIIMS, we are also conscious of the role research can play in improving the quality of teaching.
A teacher engaged in research is up to date with recent information, and can also inculcate a sprit of enquiry and freedom of thought into his/her students. Finally, research at AIIMS is apart of our national endeavour to cultivate a scientific temper and to eliminate from our society the way of authority and superstition.
While AIIMS attracts sizeable grants from national and international agencies, the Institution itself also offers modest research grants. The grants are sanction after the projects submitted have been screened by a Committee and are primary meant to initiate the junior faculty into research. Thus, other things being equal, preference is given to younger application. After an investigator has made some progress, he or she can apply for bigger grants from other agencies.
There is a wide variety of research performed at AIIMS. On the one hand we do sophisticated investigations in the neurosciences, in genetics and on computer simulation of hormone-receptor interaction. On the other hand ,we undertake clinical and epidemiological studies on the prevention and treatment of national health problems. We are trying to apply advanced techniques such as DNA recombinant technology, immunology and electron microscopy to study the common diseases in our country such as leprosy, malaria , tuberculosis, diabetes, diarrhea, hepatitis, fluorosis and iodine deficiency.
The quality and range of research at AIIMS may be judged from the following highly selected assortment of some thrust areas.
Control of Diarrheal diseaseIn 1980s,40% of pediatric beds in hospitals were occupied by cases of diarrheal dehydration. In 1997 it is difficult to find such a case even for demonstration in many parts of India. Basic, applied and operational research done at AIIMS has played a pivotal role in achieving this transformation. Recently we have developed two types of super oral dehydration solutions based on amino concentration.
WHO will formally introduce this new formulation in the Global Diarrheal DiseaseControl Programme this year. AIIMS has developed an algorithm for the treatment of persistent diarrhea, which the WHO introduced in the Global Diarrheal Disease Control Programme in 1994. The bacterium responsible for 50% of the cases of persistent diarrhea has been discovered at AIIMS and provisionally named Enteroaggregative E.coli. AIIMS research on the role of zinc deficiency in diarrheal disease was cited by the "Time Magazine" in 1996 as good news for child health. Post-Coital and Post-Ovulatory Contraception
Basic Research on the endocrine and paracrine mechanisms in embryo implantation of pregnancy and the development of post-coital and post-ovulatory contraceptives. Our Primate Implantation Biology Laboratory has been recognized as a non-US Centre for Contraceptive Research and Development Programme of the Andrew Mellon Foundation and is also one of the 13 such Centres in the world supported on a long-term basis by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Exploration Of AntarcticaAIIMS has been participating in India's efforts at exploration of Antarctica since 1990.Besides providing health care to members of the expedition, AIIMS has also been using the opportunity to conduct research on chronobiology of the human organism, physiological responses to the stress of the hostile antarctic environment, and performance under the harsh and lonely conditions prevailing in antarctica.
Teaching and Learning Methods :The MBBS teaching consists of didactic lectures, seminars, group discussions and inter departmental lectures. Very good opportunities are provided for teacher student inter action. The ultimate goal is to train a physician who is capable of looking after the preventive, promotive, curative & rehabilitative aspects of medicine. The internal assessment carries 20% marks. The final assessment carries 80% Marks. The examinations and evaluation are conducted by NTR University of Health sciences. The Degrees awarded by NTR University of Health sciences are recognized throughout the world.
Non Clinical Departments :The Medical College is having Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry Departments in the A Module. The Lecture Galleries, Demonstration rooms, Departmental libraries, and laboratories are as per MCI norms. All the lecture Galleries are air conditioned.
Any other examination of 10+2 pattern recognized by the Dr. NTR University in Andhra Pradesh or Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects, which shall include a practical test in each of these subjects.
The pre-professional / premedical examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology, after passing either the higher secondary school examination or the Pre-University or an equivalent examination. The pre-professional / pre-medical examination shall include a practical test in Physics, Chemistry & Biology and also English as a compulsory subject.
The first year of the three years degree course of a recognized University, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology including practical test in these subjects provided the examination is a University Examination and candidate has passed 10+2 with English at a level not less than a core course.
B.Sc., Examination of an Indian University, provided that he / she has passed the B.Sc., examination with not less than two of the following subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology) and further that he / she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with the following subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.
Any other examination whose scope and standard is found to be equivalent to the Intermediate science examination of an Indian University / Board, taking Physics, Chemistry and Biology including a practical test in each of these subjects and English.
FacilitiesLibrary :
A Modern air conditioned library is available. It has more than 12,000 books and about 50,000 numbers of journals. The College subscribes to 70 Indian Journals and 38 Foreign Journals. Besides the College is having access to 600 online journals. The library is having tie up with Dr NTR University of Health Sciences for online Digital Library services.
Hostels :
The Male students and female students are having separate Hostels with attached kitchens and Dining Halls. There is a separate Air conditioned Hostel to accommodate NRI students. All the Hostels are having 24 hours water supply and Electricity. The food prepared in the kitchens is wholesome and tasty. A wide range of cuisine is available.
Super SpecialtiesThe following Super specialty Departments are available in the Hospital.
Tele Medicine Centre :
The Hospital is running a Tele medicine centre. The emphasis is on telemedicine, teleconsultation, training, teleradiology, teletraumatology and emergency tele medicine. The ultimate aim is to extend the telemedicine solutions to the entire district.
Aarogyasri :
The hospital is recognized as a net work Hospital for Aarogyasri programmes. During 2008-2009, 1600 patients were treated and about 1200 surgeries were performed under Aarogyasri Scheme. So far more than 6000 cases were treated under Aarogyasri scheme.
Referral Hospital :
The Hospital is recognized by Government of Andhra Pradesh as a Referral Hospital for treatment of State Government Employees, Pensioners and MLAs. Several other organizations like BSNL, New India Assurance company have recognized the Hospital for treatment of their patients.
InfrastructureThe magnificent college building is built according to Indian Nursing Council (INC) norms. Nursing labs namely Fundamental, Medical and surgical, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, CHN, Nutrition and Computer labs are well equipped allowing the students to learn their procedures perfectly.
Classrooms are spacious, well ventilated and well furnished with OHP, LCD projectors etc. The Gigantic library with wide ranging collection of books both on nursing and other fields acts as a storehouse of knowledge. All the students have easy access to library. The huge examination hall can easily provide seating arrangement for a whopping 200 students at single sitting.
LibraryA Modern air conditioned library is available. It has more than 12,000 books and about 50,000 numbers of journals. The College subscribes to 70 Indian Journals and 38 Foreign Journals. Besides the College is having access to 600 online journals. The library is having tie up with Dr NTR University of Health Sciences for online Digital Library services.
Libraries are centrally situated inside the campus of all the colleges. They have more than Twelve thousand books written by Indian and foreign authors on different subjects as per the syllabus issued by the University. National Newspapers in Hindi and English are subscribed in the libraries. Libraries also subscribe important News Magazines and professional journals of repute.
Documentation Unit files special features on various subjects. Keeping in view advanced pattern of learning, collection of some important films concerning different subjects is kept in the libraries. Libraries also remain open on holidays. Open self-system is maintained and students are free to get the books issued from the library. Students are also encouraged to use library facilities during their free.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences Degree Programs :
- B.Sc. (Hons.) Opthalmic Techniques
- B.Sc. (Hons.) Medical Technology