Ahmedabad Medical School was created in 1871 and it became affiliated with the Civil Hospital in the city of Ahmedabad. The School had humble beginnings, starting with 14 students who pursued hospital assistant training. In 1879, Sir Byramjee Jeejeebhoy donated Rs.20.000/- and the school was renamed after him as B. J. Medical School. The school grew and became affiliated with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bombay in 1917. By 1946, the school obtained affiliation with Bombay University and then achieved higher status for itself to become B.J. Medical College, providing diplomas for L.C.P.S.
The B. J. Medical College (BJMC), Ahmedabad is one of the largest sources of medically qualified manpower in the country.The college is the centre for the admission of MBBS students in the entire Gujarat State. Each year, some 250 students are admitted to the college receiving the best medical training.The college admits its students through an entrance examination conducted in Gujarat .
I. The school offers Postgraduate M.D. courses in 15 branches of medicine, an M.S. course in five branches of surgery, super specialty courses of D.M. in three branches, M.Ch in four branches, postgraduate diploma courses in 10 branches, and many other medical degrees for non-medical persons. It is a center for the National Board of Medical Examinations for various subjects. The school has made notable contributions in studies with the Indian Council of Medical Research. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has recognized the college for its innovation in integrated teaching and training programs in child health services and universal immunization.
The alumni of the college is spread all over the world, providing premiere medical care.
The University stands for humanism and tolerance, for reason, for adventure of ideas and for the search of truth. It stands for the forward march of the human race towards even higher objectives. If the universities discharge their duties adequately then it is well with the nation and the people
These words of Jawaharlal Nehru embody in them the guiding principle of Pune University. Established in 1948, the University has since become one of the leading centers for research and teaching in the country. The 400 acre campus is located in the North Western part of Pune.
The placid environs and state of the art facilities provide it's numerous students with an ideal atmosphere to pursue research in various areas of Science, Arts, Commerce and Languages. The University houses 40 departments which provide a wide array of academic programs. Though a young centre, the University has made a significant impact in various areas of research and teaching, and continues to strive for excellence.
The University of Pune (formerly known as University of Poona) was established under the Poona University Act, passed by the Bombay Legislature on 10th February, 1948. In the same year, Dr. M. R. Jayakar assumed office as the first vice chancellor of the University.
Shri B.G.Kher, Chief Minister and Education Minister, Govt. of Bombay, took a keen interest in setting apart a beautiful campus for the University. As a result of his efforts, a campus extending over 411 acres was allocated to the University in early 1950.
Initially the University had a jurisdiction extending over 12 districts of Western Maharashtra. However, with the establishment of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur, in 1964, the jurisdiction of the University was restricted to 5 districts, namely Pune, Ahmednagar, Nasik, Dhule and Jalgaon. Out of these, two districts - Dhule and Jalgaon are attached to the North Maharashtra University established in August 1990.
During the year 1949, there were only 18 colleges affiliated to the University, with an enrollment of over 8000 students. Thereafter, the number of colleges increased, and in 1994-95, the University had 41 post-graduate departments, 209 affiliated colleges and 118 recognized research institutions, with an enrollment of 1,70,000 students for both the under-graduate and post-graduate courses in different faculties.
70 research institutions have been recognized by the University for research. These include institutions of national importance like the National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), MACS, CWPRS, NIV, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Deccan College among others.
Since its inception, the progress of the University of Pune has been inextricably linked with the efforts of an illustrious list of Vice Chancellor.
Mission The Mission of the University of Pune is to be a global, socially conscious Center of Excellence in the conservation, creation, Advancement and dissemination of knowledge, equipped to take up challenges of the enormous change taking place all around and committed to empower its faculty and students to contribute meaningfully to economic, technological and social development and progress .
In accordance With this Mission, the University of Pune aims at
Becoming a vibrant Knowledge Center and a Center of Excellence in teaching, research and extension activities;
Bringing about conservation, creation, advancement and dissemination of knowledge.
Creating technologically equipped thought and action leaders in a wide range of spheres by providing value based and high quality education, generating cutting-edge research and innovations, and enabling empowerment through social and regional inclusion;
Increasing global linkages by attracting international students and establishing collaborative Programmes with educational institutions of repute.
On completion of the fifty years another feather was added in the college crown with the inauguration of the new Auditorium; 1200 seated the largest one in Gwalior region which was named behind a person who made this college a reality and was dedicated to the fulfillment of his dream Dr. Bhagwat Sahai Auditorium; a tribute to a man who was behind our college and thus all of us.
There was also upgradation of the Library with subscription of the new journals and periodical, provision of the Internet in the library which made every research possible and information under a finger tip. This was done of the efforts of our dean Dr. S. R. Agrawal.
This institute was turned into autonomous institute by the Govt. of Madhya Pradesh in April 1997 and since then it is running as the autonomous body initially under the name of Rogi Kalyan Samiti and later on by the Executive Council of the Gajara Raja Medical College, Gwalior which governs both college and the associated JA Group of Hospitals.
The Commissioner of the Gwalior was appointed as the Chairman of the executive body of the Autonomous body and Minister of Medical Education was nominated as Chairman of General Council of Autonomous Body. Under the Autonomous Body the College acquired many new vistas and reahing the further height of fame and achievements.
The efforts infused in bringing the college to this stature, were all too magnanimous and the history of GRMC is replete with selfless individuals who made exemplary sacrifices in raising its stature to one of honor, to one of exquisite temple of learning.
MEESAGE It has been an arduous, long toil for from just a dream to utmost fulfillment; from painful paucities to abounding richness; from compelling deficiencies to utmost contentment; from a wavering confidence to surefootedness.
The institution has carved a niche for itself, thanks to the admirable efforts of a few cherished individuals who surged ahead with selflessness in taking G. R. Medical College to spirited zenith. The stalwarts of yesteryears, whose dream come true is G. R. Medical College, were selfless souls, dedicated to building this institution not by mortar and bricks but by infusing in it a sublime life emanating out of the extraordinary work culture, and pure ethics.
If Dr. Bhagwat Sahai, the founder Principal slogged hard in raising funds for building this institution, Dr. Miss L.V. Phathak, Dr. B.N.B. Rao, Dr. R.S. Dharkar, by their deft surgical skills and philanthropy rose the prestige of the college to dizzying heights. Dr. P.C. Buckshey, Dr. M.G. Deo and Dr. V.M. Passi also deserve a special mention for putting G. R. Medical College on the national map.
The website, as you surf, will reveal a galaxy of academic glitterati shone on the horizon of G. R. Medical College. The Alma Mater has produced exceptional individuals and continues to churn out noted professionals who make Gwalior proud across the globe.
G. R. Medical College has made a breakthrough in all spheres reflecting the adorable ingenuity and prodigious imagination of its architects. Despite the traditional visage, the training imparted is contemporary. The college library is a home to a rich treasure of books with latest periodicals, and Internet connectivity. A sprawling auditorium adds to the splendor of the college, humming with cultural and academic activities. Apart from a well run indoor and outdoor, the G. R. Medical College stands out as the only college in MP, which has the facilities for cerebral and spinal surgeries and yet offering M.Ch. in Neurosurgery.
The flamboyance of G. R. Medical College is endless. And we have to strive, to let it grow. We must respect the visionaries who have brought G. R. Medical College, laurels and place of eminence in the medical field. They have bequeathed to us a priceless largesse, which will continue to scintillate this little township for time immemorial.
My best wishes to everybody on this occasion. I urge upon the future generations to uphold the rich values and traditions of G. R. Medical College and leave no stone unturned to safeguard its prestige.
HOSPITAL Jaya Arogya Hospital also known as JAH was built during the period of Late Madhav Rao Scindia and was inaugurated formally in 1899. A total of 400 beds were available in 1946, in the main building, In the main building of the hospital Medical & Surgical wing for male and female patients separately on either side of the hospital on the ground and first floor.
The second floor was used for ophthalmic ward and a museum. This main hospital building of this erstwhile service hospital accommodated the pathology section on the ground floor. A separate building building provided for about fifty maternity beds. Facilities were available for normal deliveries and for obstetrics surgery e.g., a caesarian section or ectopic pregnancy was done in the female surgical ward in the main building. The Operations were performed in the operation theatre of JA Hospital, where gynecological and female surgical cases too were operated.
A radio surgical block was sanctioned in 1936 as an Annex to the main building this block accommodated the Radiology Department on the ground floor and the first floor provided an independent operation theatre complex. The pathology division was shifted to the college building after 1948. An OPD for 1500 patients were made in to separate building called Madhav Dispensary.
Major General H. C. Buckley, Chairman of the inspecting committee of Agra University stated on March 6, 1946, praised the hospital as very well organized, clean and orderly. He also compared the X-ray Department as the best on in India and recommended it to convert into teaching hospital.Major General Thomas Moore, Military advisor (October 30, 1946) praised the hospital on the efficiency of the staff, building architecture and equipments
Library The Central Library of the college was established in 1946. There are 2 separate reading rooms. The library timing on working days 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Second and third Saturday working time 10:30 am to 5:30 pm. On Sundays and holidays are closed. Two computers have been installed recently and the library is connected through internet. The total number of books are about 20,000. The library subscribes to 40 medical journals - both Indian, foreign and WHO.
Vice - Chancellor's Desk University of Pune is one of the oldest universities of India. Last year the University celebrated its Diamond Jubilee. Pune has been the hub of education and University of Pune has played a vital role in this regard. University of Pune has enjoyed patronage from eminent scientists, industrialists, social reformers, and the Government of Maharashtra. University of Pune is a good blend of academic excellence in diverse basic, applied and professional courses, and quality research. The university is special as it is bestowed with a naturally beautiful campus, proximity to the industrial and financial capital, and highly cultured social set up, and is a home for a large number international student population.
University of Pune has tremendous growth in last 60 years. Today, the university has about 600 affiliated colleges, 300 recognized institutions, and more than 5.5 lac students. All the affiliated colleges and institutions have been connected using the ICT under the triple connectivity project supported by the Government of Maharashtra. The university conducts UG, PG, and Ph.D. programmes in Arts, Commerce, Engineering, Law, Management, Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. The university provides a special thrust on the research in all disciplines and extends seed grant to the young faculty for initiating their research.
As the Vice Chancellor of the university, I would like to see University of Pune ranked among the topmost universities of the world. Let University of Pune be the trend setter: A trend of quality education of international standard. A trend of research which addresses national issues and at the same time is globally competitive. A trend of inculcating high moral and ethical values among its students. It is my endeavor to create a transparent, efficient and academically inspiring environment in the university. Let University of Pune be the most sought after destination for all aspirants who want to achieve academic excellence and want to be good citizens.
Research The Honble Vice-Chancellor has allocated budget to fund research projects to be undertaken by the faculty pursuing research in various areas. The aim of the scheme is to strengthen the research activity especially among the young faculty members which will act as a catalyst for them to apply to the various funding agencies for major grants.
The University of Pune launched an e-service Sanshodhan Online for students and teachers on July 20, called Sanshodhan Online to enable online filing of research proposals for the year 2008-09.
This e-service will also help to create updated electronic data on various research projects in progress and publications in international and national journals.
University of Pune has initiated many Innovative Academic Programmes in recent past. Since 2006, the UoP introduced the schema e to encourage college and varsity-level research projects by teachers and students. The university provides Rs 50,000 to Rs 3 lakh for each project, depending upon the proposal. Close to 5,000 teachers and students from the 50-odd UoP departments, 474 colleges and some 250 recognized institutions directly or indirectly benefit from the scheme.
The University of Pune Campus Spread over a vast area of 411 acres, the University has an exceptionally beautiful and picturesque campus. The lush green lawns adorned with beautiful fountains of the British times and the majestic building of the University are a constant source of attraction to the aesthetically oriented people of Pune, filmmakers, musicians and celebrities. The University campus is covered with a large number of age - old trees, which provide shade and beauty, and the peaceful surrounding make for a very invigorating environment for serious studies and research
The University of Pune is symbolically identified with the Main Building, it is a monumental building with a beautiful architecture, and its tower project high in to the sky bearing the flag of the University. The office of the Vice-Chancellor, Dean's Chambers and Records Section are located in the Main Building. Meeting of various academic bodies are conducted in the four prestigious halls of the Main Building Viz., Yashwantrao Chavan Sabhagriha, Sant Dnyaneshwar Sabhagriha, Shivaji Sabhagriha and the Sant Gadge Maharaj Sabhagriha.
He lofty Main Building of the University of Pune was once the residence of the governors of Bombay in the days of the British Raj. It was built in 1864 when Sir Bartle Frere was the Governor. Designed by James Trubshawe, the magnificent edifice was built in Ganeshkhind, on the outskirts of what was then called Poona. Architecturally, it defies classification though its spiritual antecedents are Italian and the 80 feet flag tower has been described as an 'Victorian rendering of an Italian campanile.
The building was inspired by Prince Albert's Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. The cost of residence was Sterling Pound 175'000 to build, nearly six times the amount raised by the sale of the Governor's previous residence.
The building of such a palatial house in the aftermath of the cotton crash in Bombay was severely criticized and referred by the British Parliament as 'a typical instance of the extravagance and insubordination of the Governors of Bombay. Sir Frere defended his action staunchly, the house was not habitable by the time he left India in 1867. His successor, Sir Seymour FitzGerald carried out the furnishing and decoration, and he in turn was criticized for being extravagant, especially for the sterling pound 500 chandelier in the ballroom-which still sparkles, adding to the grandeur of the Ballroom!
B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad Degree Programs :
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
Master Degree
Doctor of Medicine in Anaesthesia
Doctor of Medicine in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Doctor of Medicine in Dermatology
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Video Presentation
B.J. Medical college, pune
B.j. Medical college Presents you a documentary on the college life of students of medical college... from the first year showing the hectic daily routine,enjoyment of the 2nd year and the serious clinics in the final year to the day and night work and blunders of internship, we compile everything for you, enoy this journey of 24 minutes and were sure u'll remember ur college days
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