Since its inception the college has progressed a long way in providing quality medical education recognized by the Medical Council of India, to students of Gujarat and those from other states getting admission on an all India quota both in the undergraduate(M.B.B.S) and post graduate medical courses(M.D/M.S). It also provides comprehensive facilities for research and patient care.
The Pre and Para clinical departments of this college support all the clinical departments in providing treatment for practically all types of medical conditions. The Medical College campus also houses the Government Physiotherapy College and the Government Nursing College which train students for B.Sc (Physiotherapy) and B.Sc (Nursing courses) respectively. Eminent alumni from this college are successfully practicing all over India and abroad.
is the Dean since the year 2008. He is a graduate and postgraduate from B.J. Medical College Ahmedabad. He has worked in different capacities at B.J. Medical College, Medical College Baroda and Government Medical College Bhavnagar. Prior to his appointment as Dean he was Professor in TB & Chest Medicine Government Medical College Bhavnagar and Additional Medical Superintendent Sir T. Hospital Bhavnagar. He has been an active member of the Association of Chest Physicians of Gujarat and has been an active participant in NAPCON. .Dr. Leuva is a Honorary Inspector for MCI for starting Postgraduate courses in Pulmonary Medicine in different Medical Colleges of India
He is Professor and Head of Department of Preventive and Social Medicine. He has done his graduation and post graduation from Medical College Baroda. He has held posts of Dean of Students and Vice President of the student union in the past. He has been the Hon Secretary and President of Indian Association of Occupational Health. He is a member of extended Central Council Team of IndiaClen. He has been associated with number of research projects with WHO, UNICEF and other national and international agencies.
Is the Dean Faculty of Medicine, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda since 2007. He is Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology. He has done his graduation from Government Medical College Surat and post graduation from Medical College Baroda. He has held the post of Additional Dean and officiated as Dean Medical College Baroda in the past. He is an honorary inspector or the Medical Council of India.
Is the Dean of Students, Faculty of Medicine, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda since 2008. He is also a Professor of Surgery of Medical College Baroda. Prior to this he has held different teaching positions at Government Medical College Surat and M.P Shah Medical College Jamnagar. He is responsible for all student welfare activities in the College. Dr. Duttaroy has more than 20 articles in national and International journals of repute and is actively involved in conducting ethical clinical research in the institution. He is an honorary inspector or the Medical Council of India for starting undergraduate courses and postgraduate course in General Surgery.
- Impart high standard of medical Education to all undergraduate and post graduate students admitted to the institution.
- To inculcate the values of ethical medical practice.
- To deliver preventive, promotive and curative health care in primary secondary and tertiary facilities of Gujarat state in particular and India as a whole.
- To produce competent medical teachers and researchers for medical and related sciences for our country.
- To create a pool of competent physicians who are adept at competent community based general practice and have appropriate managerial and clinical skills to independently run national health programmes and handle disaster and epidemics.
University AffiliationMedical College Baroda is affiliated to, and is technically the Faculty of Medicine of The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara. The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda conducts all the university examinations of the Faculty of Medicine and awards undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.
The Objective of the UniversityThe Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda is a distinct type of University-a teaching and residential University which has complete freedom in all academic matters and is free to institute new branches of studies suited to the needs and aspirations of the region in particular and of the country in general.
Structure of the UniversityHis Highness the Maharaja of Baroda is the Chancellor of the University. The Vice-Chancellor is the principal executive and academic officer of the University and is to be assisted in his work by Pro-Vice Chancellor. The Senate is the supreme governing body and authority of the University and the Syndicate, its executive authority. Among the other authorities of the University is the council of Post-graduate Studies and Research which has to deal with all matters relating to instruction, training and research in the various subjects taught in the University.
The other authorities of the University are the Faculties and the Boards of Studies there under, which are principally responsible for making recommendations in the matter of the course of studies, textbooks and generally on academic matters. The Act deals with the residence of the students and lays down that all students of the University should reside in the hostels of the University or under conditions laid down by the relevant Ordinances. Provision has also been made in the Act for the establishment of a Board of Extra-mural Studies, a students Welfare Board, a Publications Board and such other Boards as may be prescribed by the Statutes. Besides the usual Faculties of Arts, Science, Commerce, Medicine, Technology (including Engineering), Law and Agriculture, the University is authorized to institute new Faculties of Education and Psychology, Home Science, Fine Arts and Social Work.
All courses offered by the University have English as the medium of instruction. However, the courses for specialization in Indian Languages have the respective language as the medium of instruction.
In between he was a post-doctoral scholar (1984) and visiting scientist (1995) at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada and visiting Professor, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Manitoba, Canada (1999, 2001 and 2003).
He has three patents, 15 books, over 250 full papers, 300 abstracts and guided over 35 Ph.D and 150 M. Pharm students. He is the recipient of 58 awards including Best Pharmacy Teacher and Best Pharmaceutical Research Scientist (APTI) and Distinguished Service Award from International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, Canada. He is the Fellow of six professional bodies (FIPS, FIACS, FAMS, FIC, FICN, FNASc.) and Member of different committees (ICMR, AICTEAJGC).
INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTSA subject expert will be called to offer expertise as and when required. The IECHR will establish a standing list of independent consultants to provide special expertise to the EC on proposed research protocols. These consultants may be experts in specific diseases or methodologies, or they may be representatives of communities, patients, or special interest groups.
EDUCATION OF EC MEMBERSEC members have a need for initial and continued education regarding the ethics and science of biomedical research. The EC members will be encouraged to keep abreast of all national and international developments in ethics through orientation courses on related topics by its own members or regular training organized by constituted bodies.
REGISTRATION OF IECHRThe IECHR will register with a BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH AUTHORITY in India or abroad. A Bill on Biomedical Research on Human Participants (Promotion and Regulation) has been proposed by ICMR and is under active consideration of the Ministry of Health, Government of India.
SUBMITTING AN APPLICATIONThe IECHR, Medical College Baroda will review only protocols involving studies to be conducted in the Medical College and SSG Hospital Baroda. External protocols will be accepted only in the case of Government funded or approved projects
The IECHR has established well-defined requirements for submitting an application for review of a biomedical research project.
- This includes a Protocol checklist and Plain language Summary ( non technical language) which should accompany each protocol submitted for review.
- An application should be submitted by a qualified researcher responsible for the ethical and scientific conduct of the research.
- Applications should be submitted to the Member Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to the proposed date of the meeting in 15 copies.
- Incomplete applications will be returned to the investigator. In cases where the EC requests supplementary information or changes to documents from the applicant, the application will be reviewed in the next meeting.
- Investigators will be notified of the decision of the review within a period of 2 weeks.
- A processing fee of Rs. 5000/- will be charged per application.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- signed and dated application form;
- the protocol of the proposed research (clearly identified and dated), together with supporting documents and annexes;
- Plain language summary in prescribed format
- A protocol checklist in prescribed format
- case report forms, diary cards, and other questionnaires intended for research participants;
- when the research involves a study product (such as a pharmaceutical or device under investigation), an adequate summary of all safety, pharmacological, pharmaceutical, and toxicological data available on the study product, togetherwith a summary of clinical experience with the study product to date (e.g., recent investigator brochure, published data, a summary of the products characteristics).
- investigator(s)'s curriculum vitae (updated, signed, and dated);
- material to be used (including advertisements) for the recruitment of potential research participants;
- a description of the process used to obtain and document consent;
- informed consent form (clearly identified and dated) in the language(s) understood by the potential research participants and, when required, in other languages;
- a statement describing any compensation for study participation including expenses and access to medical care) to be given to research participants.
- a description of the arrangements for indemnity, if applicable.
- a statement of agreement to comply with ethical principles set out in relevant guidelines.
- all significant previous decisions (e.g., those leading to a negative decision or modified protocol) by other ECs or regulatory authorities for the proposed study (whether in the same location or elsewhere) and an indication of modification(s) to the protocol made on that account. The reasons for previous negative decisions should be provided.
REVIEW MEETINGS- Meetings will be held once in two months and more in case there are more than 5 proposals for review.
- EC members will be given 2 weeks time to read through the applications
- Meetings will be minuted and these minutes approved at the subsequent meeting.
- the applicant, sponsor, and/or investigator may be invited to present the proposal or elaborate on specific issues.
- In case where an application under review has been submitted by a member of the EC, the member will not be permitted to take part in the decision making process.
SCIENTIFIC REVIEWThe scientific review of the protocols will be performed by a subcommittee of five members who belong to the medical discipline. When required, protocols may be sent for external review. Investigators will be advised to submit a protocol checklist which has been prepared based on the CONSORT checklist. This checklist enumerates the elements required for scientific review.
EXPEDITED REVIEW- The proposals presenting no more than minimal risk to research participants may be subjected to expedited review. The Member- Secretary and the Chairperson of the IEC or designated member of the Committee or Subcommittee of the IEC may do expedited review only if the protocols involve:
- Minor deviations from originally approved research during the period of approval (usually of one year duration).
- Revised proposal previously approved through full review by the IEC or continuing review of approved proposals where there is no additional risk or activity is limited to data analysis.
- Research involving clinical materials (data, documents, records, or specimens) that have been collected for non-research (clinical) purposes.
- When in emergency situations like serious outbreaks or disasters a full review of the research is not possible, prior written permission of IEC may be taken before use of the test intervention.
- Clinical studies of drugs and medical devices only when - i. research is on already approved drugs except when studying drug interaction or conducting trial on vulnerable population or ii. adverse Event (AE) or unexpected Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) of minor nature is reported.
All research presenting with more than minimal risk, proposals/ protocols which do not qualify for exempted or expedited review and projects that involve vulnerable population and special groups shall be subjected to full review by all the members.
EXEMPTION FROM REVIEWResearch on educational practices such as instructional strategies or effectiveness of or the comparison among instructional techniques, curricula, or classroom management methods.
HOSPITALSir Sayajirao General Hospital (S.S.G.H) Vadodara was started in 1865 as the 56 bedded Countess of Dufferin Hospital. This was then taken over by the Government of Gujarat in 1907 and renamed the S.S.G Hospital after the erstwhile ruler of Vadodara, Maharaja Sayajirao II. S.S.G Hospital is designed in the Indo-Saracen style. It is the largest referral hospital in Central Gujarat.
It forms the teaching hospital component of Medical College Baroda. It also houses the Government College of Physiotherapy and Government Nursing College. It caters to the primary, secondary and tertiary health care needs of the people of central Gujarat and adjoining states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. It also participates in various community outreach and national health programs.
It has 1513 beds across several clinical specialties and subspecialties, with an annual average outdoor attendance of 4 Lakh patients, an average annual indoor admission of 45,000 patients and a bed occupancy rate of 83%. It also offers select high-end surgeries such as Oncosurgeries, endo-urologic surgeries, laparoscopic surgery and plastic surgery. S.S.G Hospital offers a 24-hour emergency service and receives around 150 to 200 emergencies each day. Its various laboratories run approximately 1000 tests daily and the department of Radio diagnosis has a daily load of 500 radiological tests per day. The Medical Nursing Home on the campus is a 22 bedded facility for patients requesting private rooms.
Funded by the Department of Health and Family Welfare Government of Gujarat, it renders yeomen service - practically free of cost - to the underprivileged sections of the society and the common man. The Rogi Kalyan Samiti of the Hospital which generates funds from various sources funds the management of people below poverty line and tribal patients free of cost.
LibraryThe Medical College Library came into existence along with the Medical College Baroda in the year 1949. The current Library of Medical College Baroda, Dr.Thakorbhai Patel Library is housed in two floors of a separate building in the college campus since the year 1990.
The library is well equipped with audiovisual aids, Television, Digital Video player, Photocopying facilities. It also has a separate air-conditioned computer room for students and faculty with 12 computers with broadband internet facilities. Undergraduate, postgraduate students and faculty can access online journals that are subscribed by the college through the computers and internet facility provided by the library. Internet facility and access to online journals is extended to all departmental library computers via a server from the library premises

Baroda Medical College, Vadodara Degree Programs :
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- Diploma in Anesthesiology
- Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynecology