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Cairo University

Region: Giza Country: Egypt

About The University
On March 31, 1914; Husayn Rushdi, minister of Justice and the University Rector was speaking at the university's ground ceremony for a new building, he said:
"On the eastern side of Cairo, al-Azhar has stood for nearly a 1000 years. It has been a lofty beacon sending light all directions and immortalizing the sciences of the Arabs and the civilization of Islam. Now here is the new university which will be built in the age on the western side of the city to spread Arabic sciences together with Western learning.

These twin brothers will cooperate henceforth in enlightening both banks of the blessed Nile, from the right and from the left, in the things which will restore the people of the valley to complete well-being and full glory"

The Egyptian University
As a major offshoot of the national Egyptian movement that goes back to the beginning of the century, a number of national leaders, enlightenment pioneers and social thinkers called for the establishment of an Egyptian university. In the beginning of this century, social thinkers like Mohammed abdu, Mostafa Kamel, Mohammed Farid, Kasem Amine and Saad Zaghloul called for the establishment of an Egyptian University to be a lighthouse of liberal thought and the basis of a comprehensive academic revival in all fields of knowledge in order to be able to cope with the international scientific and academic advancement.

Origin of the university idea
At least five different parties; claim to have planted the seed of the Egyptian University. Royalists; Prince Ahmad Fuad. Nationalists with Watanist affinities pressed Mustafa Kamil's claims, Umma Party and the Wafd; which have emphasized the contributions of Saad Zaghlul, Qasim Amine, and Muhammed Abduh.
But early suggestions came from the Armenian bureaucrat Yaqub Artin and the Syrian journalist Jurji Zaydan. In 1894 Yaqub Artin; suggested that the existing higher professional school could well provide the basis for a university. Jurji Zaydan had two models in his mind for the new university.

In 1900 al-Hilal; called for an "Egyptian College School" to provide home-grown modern higher education in Arabic, so that Egyptians would not have to go to Europe. The other model was the Syrian Protestant College which American missionaries had founded in Beirut.

In 1908, Mustafa Kamil and Qasim Amin died, and Khedive Abbas took the project of the university under his wing naming his son Crown Prince Abd al-Munim as honorary head. Then he considered four other princes: Husayn Kamil, Umar Tusun, Muhammed Ali, and Ahmed Fuad; or the actual leadership of the university. Only Fuad was both willing to serve and acceptable to the British. He was named for the post late in 1907. Abbas assigned the university E5,000 annually from the Awqaf Department which, unlike the rest of the state budget, was still under his personal control.

Fuad was born on 1868. Year after his birth his father Khedive Ismail attempted to dazzle European royalty at the opening of the Sues Canal in 1869. He accompanied his deposed father into Italian exile ten years later. Fuad was a Machiavellian by instict. He shared his father Ismail's apprecian for culture, or at least for what cultural patronage could do for a prince's image. Schooled in Geneva and the Turin military academy, Prince Fuad obtained a commission in the Italian army.

His father got on well with King Umbert and Queen Margherita, and Fuad befriended their son, the future Victor Emmanuel III. Fuad learned Turkish at home, and his schooling added French and Italian. Service as military attache in Vienna and enabled him to pick up german.
While waiting for the throne, Fuad presided over organizations needing a royal sponsor. He headed up an association for encouraging tourism and an "aviation week" at Heliopolis. Less of a scholar than his brother Ibrahim Hilmi or his second cousin Umar Tuson, Fuad was following Islamic as well as European Renaissance tradition in dispensing cultural patronage. He headed an international first aid society and the Red Crescent Society and revived the Geographical Society his father had founded. But the university was the most important cultural achievements as prince. It benefited from his connections and his administrative energy. His university lectures, as befits a prince, were confined to marksmanship and horsemanship.

Administrative Council of the Egyptian University (May 1908)

By May 1908, the Royal Palace chose the administrative council of the project of EU. Prince Fuad was rector, and palace employee Ahmed Zaki was secretary. Council members included Dr. Alwi Pasha (personal physician to Fuad's sister Princess Fatima Ismail) and Yusuf Sadiq of the Khedive's Reform Party. Husayn Rushdi, Ibrahim Najib, Abd al-Khaliq Tharwat, and Yaqub Artin were high-level bureaucrats willing to work with the palace. Palace official Ahmed Shafiq later served as one of the two vice rectors, and in 1912 the addition to the council of Ismail Sidqi and Prince Yusuf Kamal.

One of the most important contributions in funding the Egyptian university was that of Princess Fatima Ismail (Fuad's sister). Urged by her physician Dr. Alwi, she became the largest benefactor. She contributed 600 feddans of waqaf land, jewels worth E18,000, in addition to six feddans for a campus near her palace in Bulaq al-Dakrur, Giza.

Faculty of Pharmacy

Prof Hossam Kamel, president of the University of Cairo declare that the Faculty of Pharmacy got an accrediation of the National Authority to ensure the quality of education and certification after the completion of all academic standards, which related to the ability the organization and effectiveness of education according to the reports of auditors and experts

University President
Dear Sons & Daughters, Students of Cairo University , May Allah Grant you Mercy and Peace,

You are most welcomed to Cairo University to which you have been blessed and honored to belong. This belonging entitles you to partake of its glorious history and to invest all the efforts that you can afford to become model university students whose brilliant performance will match the university bright future.

I congratulate you on the new academic year, and wish you with its beginning immense success that will motivate you to add to all your previous academic endeavors new ways of thinking that are of benefit to you and your country. You must be willing to try every path leading to excellence, creativity, innovation, scientific observation; insight and analysis, for these are the foundations of true knowledge and understanding.

I also hope that you will continue to collaborate with your colleagues and the generations of your professors in digging for the sources of knowledge and culture, and to find in what the University offers you the proper means to relate interactively with the nature of the present moment which anticipates progress and refinement. You should forward your constructive suggestions about your expectations regarding the university quality performance through your colleagues in the student unions, scientific groups, conferences, among others.

Study Methods for Bachelor Degree Stage

Joining the University:

Students who apply for transfer must submit their requests before the starting date of study in the university they are directed to through the Central Transferring Office at the university. In case of an emergency, transfer requests might be accepted after that date, but they must be accompanied with an approval of the board of the faculty to which they are addressed.

Admission of mentally disabled and blind students:
Admission of this category of students is carried out according to the eligible terms of the Supreme Council of Universities.

Study duration:
The duration of study in most faculties is around four years. It may be expanded in some faculties (engineering, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary) to five years. However, the duration in the faculty of medicine stretches to six years. The internal regulation of each faculty determines the subjects of the study, distributing the curriculum and the specific time for each subject.

Moreover, the University Council determines, according to the concerned department, the topics of each subject. The study in the university is based on two academic semesters, but in some faculties, such as Faculty of Medicine, designate an extended one year term for the academic year.

Arabic language is the main language of study except for some faculties, after the University Council's decision, such as languages departments in the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Economics, Law, Agriculture, Medicine, and Dentistry.

Usually, exams begin by the end of the second semester. Students should answer in Arabic. But the University Council may permit students to answer in a second language.

Except for the bachelor exams, the subject professor should fulfill the written exams in collaboration with either the one who taught the subject or others assigned by the University Council for that matter.

Practicality is the main feature of exams in the practical faculties in which exams may be extended to the span of one month.

According to Law No.46 for 1973, military education is considered to be a basic subject for passing the academic year or for obtaining the graduation certificate.

Military Education System aims at developing the military awareness of the young people so that generations can be brought up in a way that makes them fit for the military service or for any national mission.

Developing the military awareness of students, which qualifies the youth for performing the military service while enrolling to it and for performing the national duty. In addition, students - during their training period, gradually gain love of discipline and commitment.

2- Preparing the student militarily, morally, nationally and physically so as to be a militant in the Armed Forces by the end of his academic study.

Student Training Program:
Elementary Education - Military Traditions - Natural Training -Chemical Training -Art of Militancy - Behavioral Values - National Military History of Egypt Military Security - Administrative Affairs - Art of Leadership Military Administration.

Elements of Military Education:
Students receive training for three weeks (144 hours) on the aforementioned subjects. Besides, they go through scientific, written and oral tests concerning the training subjects at the end of the training period. Moreover, competition is to be held on Elementary Education and Military Education. Consequently, students receive various prizes distributed at the end of every training period.

Every student obtains a military uniform and takes jeans, a shirt and black shoes for free.

Military Training Scheduling:
1- Military Training for the first academic year and the preliminary year is performed during the summer vacation in accordance with the yearly-prepared program for the universities by the military education Department at the university.

2- Special training periods are to be held for the -failure-to-attend students but with accepted excuses, with regardless of the academic year in which they are registered.

Military Training Conditions / Terms:
1- All regular, Egyptian students in universities except those upon which exemption terms are applied.

2- All regular, Egyptian students transferred from other universities which do not offer military education, or those who failed in it with regardless of the academic year.

3- All students transferred from the irregular system to the regular one within their universities with regardless of the academic year.

Cairo University Degree Programs :


  • Bachelor Degree
  • MBBS
  • Master Degree
  • MD Anaesthesiology
  • MD Anatomy
  • MD Biochemistry
  • MD Community Medicine
  • MD Dermatology
  • MD Emergency Medicine
  • MD General Medicine
  • MD Microbiology
  • MD Paediatrics
  • MD Pathology
  • MD Pharmacology
  • MD Physiology
  • MD Psychiatry
  • MD Radiodiagnosis
  • MD Skin & V.D
  • MD TB & Chest Diseases
  • MS Anatomy
  • MS ENT
  • MS General Surgery
  • MS Ophthalmology
  • MS Orthopaedics
  • MSc.Program Specifications
  • MSc. Programs (regulations)


  • Bachelor Degree
  • Bachelor of Science (Nursing)
  • Master Degree
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • Doctorate/PhD
  • Ph.D. Nursing

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Medic student life

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5th Ahmed Zewail st. (Tharwat st.) - Dokki Giza Giza

20 (2) 3335 5356

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