The Calicut Medical College was established in 1957 as the 2nd medical college in Kerala. Since then the institution has grown into a premier center of medical education in the state. The vast and sprawling Medical College complex is spread over an extensive area of 270 acres located in picturesque surroundings about 10km from the heart of Calicut. It is affiliated to the University of Calicut and serves 2/5 of the population of Kerala.
The foundation stone of the college was laid on 29th May 1957 by the Governor of Kerala Dr.B.Ramakrishna Rao and inaugurated by Dr.A.R.Menon M.B.Ch.B ,Minister for Health,Kerla State on August 5th 1957 .
The College was opened by Sri.E.M.S, Chief Minister,Kerala state on 15th March,1959. The task of organising the college was in the capable hands of Dr.K.N.Pisharady, the first Principal. With the completion of the college building in 1959 the preclinical section was shifted from the temporary location to the campus. The main collegiate hospital with 1183 beds was commissioned in 1966 and the Institute of Maternal and Child Health with 610 beds was commissioned in 1975.
The Savithri Devi Saboo Memorial Cancer Institute with 101 beds, an artificial limb centre and casualty complex are additions to the institution. Later on the Chest Hospital, Samraksha Kendram and Vishrama Kendram were added. New blocks for the College of Nursing and College of Pharmacy are the recent additions. A superspeciality complex in under construction.
From its modest beginning the institution has grown steadily for the last 49 years. The annual intake of undergraduate students was increased from 50 to 200. The consolidation of undergraduate medical education was achieved in the 1960's and the 1970's witnessed the establishment and expansion of postgraduate medical education in the various branches of medical science.
With the establishment of training programmes in the superspecialities, the institution further widened its academic horizon. During the last decade almost all modern specialty services in medical care have been developed in the institution facilities for Kidney Transplant and Whole Body Scan. A well equipped Cath Lab and Tele Cobalt Therapy are recent additions to the hospital complex.
The next major addition to this collegiate hospital was Institute of Chest diseases, which was commissioned on 20th September 1990 by the then Chief Minister Sri.E.K.Nayanar in the presence of Health Minister Sri.A.C.Shanmughadas. It started as a 100 bedded specialty hospital for respiratory diseases. This is a dedicated center for chest disease and tuberculosis, which undertakes lot of research and community oriented project as well.
A well equipped Medical Education Unit was also started . The Dental College which was earlier attached to Medical College has been separated and is functioning independently. The college also conducts in Nursing, Pharmacy, Lab technician training, training of Radiological Assistants and Ophthalmic Assistants. MSc.Nursing was started in the College of Nursing during 1997. The Medical library and most of the departments of the college have been provided with computer facility.
The latest addition to this hospital city is the Multistoried Specialty Complex inaugurated on 23rd September 2006. The modern hospital unit is being started with outpatient clinics of the following specialties exclusively.
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
History The foundation stone was laid by Dr. B. Ramakrishna Rao, the Governor of Kerala, on the 29th of May, 1957 and inaugurated by Dr.A.R.Menon M.B.Ch.B ,Minister for Health,Kerla State on August 5th 1957 .
The college was opened by Sri.EMS,Chief Minister of Kerala on the 15th of March,1959. The first principal was Dr. K. N. Pisharoty. The pre-clinical departments were shifted to the campus in the year 1959. The New Medical College Hospital (NMCH), with 1183 beds was completed in 1966. Until then, medical students used to go to the district hospital at Calicut beach (Beach Hospital) for their clinical training.
The IMCH with 610 beds was opened in 1975. The Dental College was inaugurated on the 16th of April, 1984. The ICD was commissioned in November, 1990. The Nursing College and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center were added subsequently.
Department of Anatomy started functioning in 1957. First batch of students were admitted on 5th August 1957. The first team of teachers included Dr.T.V.Mathew, Dr.N. Mohan Das, Dr.Sarada Devi, Dr.Pareethu Pillai and Dr.Raj Mohan.
Calicut Medical College is the home of which has emerged as one of the top accessed Indian Biomedical Journals and one of the most noticed worldwide.
AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY The Senate The Senate is the supreme authority of the University. It consists of 16 Ex-Officio members including the Chancellor (Governor of Kerala), the Pro-Chancellor (Minister of Education), the Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice-Chancellor and 109 other members representing various spheres of life. The Senate has the power to review the action of the Syndicate and Academic Council save where the Syndicate or the Academic Council has acted in accordance with the powers conferred upon it under the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinance or the Regulations and shall exercise all the powers of the University not otherwise provided for by the Act or Statutes.
The Syndicate
The Syndicate is the chief executive body of the University. It consists of 6 Ex-Officio members including the Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Higher Education Secretary, Director of Public Instruction, Director of Collegiate Education, Information Technology Secretary and 14 members elected from the Senate from among themselves and four members who are experts in the field of Information Technology and Biotechnology. The general superintendence and control over the institutions of the University including the executive powers are vested in the Syndicate.
The Academic Council The Academic Council is the supreme academic body of the University. It advises the Senate and the Syndicate on all academic matters including prescribing the courses of studies, making regulations on students admission and examination, instituting faculty positions and making proposals for the instruction, training and research in such branches of learning as it may think fit.
The Faculties Faculties, constituted as prescribed by the Statutes from time to time, shall have charge of the teaching and the courses of study and research in the subjects as may be assigned by the Ordinance or Regulations, subject to the control of the Academic Council. Each faculty has the power to make recommendations to the Academic Council/Syndicate in all matters relating to the organization of the courses of study, examination and research in the subject of study comprised in the Faculty.
The Boards of Studies Boards of Studies are constituted separately for both PG and UG. There are also single Boards of Studies. At present, the University has 95 Boards. Members of the Boards of Studies hold office for a period of three years. The basic design of the curricula is done by the Boards of Studies. The Board decides the pattern of examination, the nature of the student assessment and also gives direction about the conduct of examination, besides drawing up the Syllabi.
The Students Council The Students Council makes recommendations to the Syndicate and Academic Council in matters relating to the academic work of the students. The Council consists of 22 elected members from various Colleges and University Departments and six ex-officio members including the Vice-Chancellor who is the Chairman of the Council.
The Finance Committee The Finance Committee advises the University on all maters relating to finance. The Committee consists of the Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, representatives of the Senate, the Syndicate and the Academic Council (one each, elected among themselves), the Finance Secretary to Government or an Officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary nominated by him and the Higher Education Secretary to Government. The Finance Officer is the Secretary of the Committee.
Developing a Strategic Vision for Your Career Plan How many times will you change careers in your lifetime? If you're like most people, you'll change careers at least several times over the course of your life. How successful you'll be in making transitions among careers can at least be partially attributed to the amount of career planning and preparation you've done.
Every job-seeker needs to take the time to step way from the day-to-day grind of work and spend quality time reflecting on your career and developing some plans for your future. Whether you love your current job and employer or feel frustrated and confined by your job, career planning can help. Think of career planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career; without the bridge, you may easily stumble or lose your way, but with the bridge there is safety and direction.
This article provides you with some basic guidelines for both short-term and long-term career planning.
Short-Term Career Planning A short-term career plan focuses on a timeframe ranging from the coming year to the next few years, depending on the job-seeker. The key characteristic of short-term career planning is developing realistic goals and objectives that you can accomplish in the near future.
As you begin your career planning, take the time to free yourself from all career barriers. What are career barriers? There are personal barriers (such as lack of motivation, apathy, laziness, or procrastination), family pressure (such as expectations to work in the family business, follow a certain career path, or avoidance of careers that are below your status/stature), and peer pressure. And while career planning and career decision-making is an important aspect of your life, do not put so much pressure on yourself that it paralyzes you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans. Finally, career planning is an ever-changing and evolving process -- or journey -- so take it slowly and easily.
Calicut Medical College Degree Programs :
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Master Degree
Doctor of Medicine in General Medicine
Doctor of Medicine in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Doctor of Medicine in Paediatrics
Doctor of Medicine in Physiology
Doctor of Medicine in Biochemistry
Doctor of Medicine in Pathology
Doctor of Medicine in Pharmacology
Doctor of Medicine in Community Medicine
Doctor of Medicine in Anaesthesia
Doctor of Medicine in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
Doctor of Medicine in T.B & Respiratory diseases
Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry
Doctor of Medicine in Radiodiagnosis
Master of Surgery in General Surgery
Master of Surgery in Anatomy
Master of Surgery in Ophthalmology
Master of Surgery in Orthopaedics
Master of Surgery in ENT
Master of Surgery in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Master of Chirurgical in Plastic Surgery
Master of Chirurgical in Paediatric Surgery
Master of Chirurgical in Thoracic Surgery
Master of Chirurgical in Neurosurgery
Doctorate of Medicine in Cardiology
Doctorate of Medicine in Gastroenterology
Doctorate of Medicine in Nephrology
Diploma Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pathlogy
Post Graduate Diploma in Child Health
Post Graduate Diploma in Ophthalmology
Post Graduate Diploma in Orthopaedics
Post Graduate Diploma in Otorhinolaryncology
Post Graduate Diploma in Anaesthesia
Post Graduate Diploma in Dermatology & Venereology
Post Graduate Diploma in TB & Chest Diseases
Post Graduate Diploma in Radiotherapy
Post Graduate Diploma in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Master Degree
Master of Science in Nursing
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Diploma Programmes
Diploma in Pharmacy
Video Presentation
Calicut Medical College 20th Anniversery
Contact Details
Address: Medical College P.O, Calicut - 673 008, Kerala, India.