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College of Physicians And Surgeons, Bombay

Region: Maharashtra Country: India

Brief history of CPS
The Beginning: In the year 1911 the idea of College of Physicians and surgeons was first conceived by the then Surgeon - General H.W.Stevenson of Bombay Presidency. Due to discontinuation and abolition of the Degree course of L. M. & S. (licentiate of medicine and surgery) by the University of Bombay resulted in acute shortage of qualified Medical personnel to cater to health services in the state.

Even though Bombay University tried to upgrade medical education by converting L.M. & S to MBBS, the standard of medical education rapidly slithered down towards its nadir. More over confusion, chaos and conflicts mauled the system into a state of emergency. H.W.Stevenson the visionary that he was, realized this need and the seeds of establishing an institution, independent of the University of Bombay and modeled on the pattern of Royal College of Surgeons of England were sown.

The unforgettable past: Up to 1875 training of Hospital Assistants was introduced at the Grant Medical School and the duration was only 3years. The course was academically poor with several glaring infirmities. For example it was conducted in vernacular, which open to one and all (even non matriculates were admitted). Over and above the Dean of the Medical School made a public announcement that two more courses will be started shortly.

It was intriguing and no less interesting that instead of two, three more courses were started one each in Poona, Ahemadabad, and Hyderabad(sind). Worst still, the Government approved that Hospital Assistants can register in the Bombay Medical Register thus putting them on par with the Medical Graduates. As if this was not enough the University of Bombay discontinued and abolished the degree of L.M. &S. at the same time. This was the last straw on the camel's back. No wonder the academicians were infuriated and agitated. The academic field was driven by interpersonal rivalry, egoistic attitudes, and lack harmony. Several issues and opinions were voiced and the agitation continued.

In March 1912, the then Surgeon-General H.W.Stevenson addressed a letter to the distinguished leaders of the Medical Profession. He wrote I am writing this letter to focus your attention on the situation that has arisen following the abolition of L.M. & S. of the Bombay University and that there is a need for qualification in Medicine and Surgery, which may be taken by those who desire to become Medical Practitioners, but who may not be able to afford the expenditure of time and money necessary to take a University Degree.Further in the letter he stated that College of Physicians and Surgeons should be developed on the lines of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

The Birth: In 1913 the British Govt. through his Governor gave an assent to start such an institution in consonance with the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Dr. Rajab Ali Patel the then Indian Dr. agreed to establish such a college by dropping the prefix ROYAL and hence the birth of the institution college of Physicians and Surgeons now popularly known as CPS took place. Initially it was registered under the Bombay Society Act of 1860. Dr. A.V.Baliga LCPS. had been the first student of CPS without MBBS. He obtained FRCS and was later a teacher and examiner with the University of Bombay.

A memorable day: On 21st April 1912 a meeting of the committee was called to discuss the proposal for forming a college. The proposal was put to vote and passed unanimously. It was also decided that college should function as Registered Society. Steps were, therefore, taken to register it under SOCITIES REGISTRATION ACT XXI OF 1860 and documents were signed to that effect on 4th March1913. This day deserves to be written in golden letters in the Annals of CPS.

Surgeon General H W. Stevenson was unanimously elected as founder President. Dr. Temulji B. Nariman and Col. C.H.L.Meyer were elected as Vice-Presents. The college committee converted itself into the first Council of the college. Then the constitution was drafted and passed unanimously.

Finance: The newly formed college had its first teething trouble in the form of unavailability of funds. No major donation or endowment could be arranged for its survival. Membership subscriptions and examination fees were too meager to support and sustain the college. In the absence of any help coming from the private sector or profession, one had to fall back on the assistance from the Government. Surgeon general sought an audience with His Highness the Governor who very kindly sanctioned an annual grant of Rupees one Lakh. (Educational Grant NO. 1701 DATED 14TH June 1913).In the same year in December a special grant of Rs. One lakh was given to defray the expenditure of the first year. No further grants were accepted from 1920-21 onwards as by then CPS had become self sufficient.

The fragile fledgling: The baby was born under severe stress. Its frailty rendered it vulnerable to the milieu and untoward circumstances. The feeble fledgling, however, was nursed and cared well by the committee (now called as council). The council members toiled tirelessly, using all their talent, tact, tolerance, and patience.

In the quest of the nest: The surgeon general was strongly of the opinion that CPS should have a building of its own. The same should comprise of a council room, a library with a reading room, museums for anatomy and pathology, office of the secretary, lecture rooms, examination hall, laboratories, Special room for the history of Medicine & servants quarters. However these ambitious plans had to be given up due to lack of funds. The council decided to hire a suitable place & found one at Apollo Bunder, south of Bombay.

In 1920, the Then Surgeon General Jennings who was also the President of CPS proposed to the government to construct a block of three flats .one each for CPS, Bombay Medical Council, and Bombay Presidency Nursing Association on a plot of land known as Dicks Gardens near the J.J.Hospital at Byculla in central Bombay. The proposal was approved by the Govt. at the estimated cost of Rs.3,84,000 and a provision was made to include the same in the budget. Unfortunately the Legislature turned it down and was shelved forever.

In 1924, the Accountant General vacated his office in the old secretariat building at Govt. offered the same to CPS and it was accepted with gratitude which remained with CPS for nearly13 years.

In 1937, on 23rd March Govt. sent a notice to CPS to vacate the above place. Again a temporary accommodation was found by CPS at Marine lines, which was occupied till 1942.

CPS then purchased its own place at Parel-Lalbaug in the heart of the city, central Bombay.

Growing strong: The present building was only a ground floor structure till 2003. The council decided to utilize the remaining floor space and construct 3 floors. Under the leadership of Dr. Sudhakar Sane, his council colleges worked hard and spent a lot of time in day to day supervision of the building. Initially the council had decided to built only 3 floors but when the actual construction was completed, Dr. Sudhakar Sane convinced the members that additional two floors also should be constructed at the same time as it will be economical ,time saving and extremely useful in the long run.

Not only had he brought the artisans from Ahmedabad to reconstruct the old architectural designs but also to preserve the originality. Thus the present, proud sprawling structure emerged. Today this building is enviable and it will not be out of place to state that many institutions and professionals have an eye on it to enter and gain control.

The Flight/The Present: The tender parental care and nurture has grown CPS into a contentious courageous healthy being capable of independent survival and meet the challenges of the present.

Penchant for Punctuality and Precision It is a feather in the cap of CPS that, it undertakes all the academic events such as conducting examinations and declaring the results on the fixed dates of the calendar every year. In the past 100 years this has not changed even once. This speaks volume for the efficiency of the office and administration.

Utility /benefits The present need of the country is to cater to the health of the people and offer affordable, appropriate and timely services to the, rich or poor, residing in cities or in rural areas with the same skill and knowledge. Highly qualified doctors with MD/MS/DM/MCh do not necessarily practice in mofussil areas. There is big gap between the availability and demand of qualified post graduates in the Districts, Talukas, and villages. CPS aims to train and offer Diplomas to the candidates who can satisfy this need to some extent.

Recognition: Maharashtra Medical Council (referred as MMC) is a separate statutory body created by Govt. of Maharashtra under the MMC act of 1965. In the past it was Bombay Medical Council Act. MMC Act is an independent act, as education is in the concurrent list of our constitution of India. It has powers to recognize any additional postgraduate qualification provided the required basic qualification is recognized by the Medical Council of India (referred as MCI).

As far as recognition of CPS is considered, the then British Govt. established such colleges in Bombay, Colombo, Karachi, Canada, & Kenya, all are recognized by the Royal College & General Medical Council U.K. and are functioning even today.

MMC and MCI are only advisory bodies. The Govt. of Maharashtra can reject the recommendations or objections put up by MCI & MMC. Non availability of enough post graduate seats in the recognized medical colleges has created a dearth of the postgraduates. In this context, it is more than necessary to have courses offering such qualifications run by institutions like CPS. A noteworthy point is, CPS is not a basic college for undergraduate studies but it is an examining body similar to the National Board of Examiners (referred as DNB).

All the teachers under whom students register for post graduation are MD/MS Degree holders recognized by MCI. CPS too recognizes them as teachers and examiners who have more than 7 (seven) years of professional standing after acquiring the degree and more than 5 (five) years of experience after MCI recognition for undergraduate teaching.

CPS recognizes only those institutions for undertaking post graduate courses in Fellowships and Diplomas which have basic infrastructure, attached Hospital, Library, Hostel and adequate clinical cases for students to study. In case these institutions do not comply with these stringent conditions they are disqualified even if already qualified earlier and no fresh affiliation is granted to new applicants if they do not adhere to these conditions.

CPS is vigilant about the admissions given to the students to undertake postgraduate training in these CPS affiliated institutions/hospitals strictly on Merits and not by influence or donation and makes sure that they follow the rules. CPS also insists that all the students must maintain a Log Book showing the exact work done, lectures given and attended, educational visits arranged & attended.

Thus it is pertinent to understand that the ROLE of CPS is not only to function as an examining body but to assist the State in creating and providing knowledgeable skill based health professionals to serve the general population 70% of which resides outside the megapolises and cities.

Current status

  • The college is at its pinnacle of performance, humming with the on going activities and poised for involving itself in newer avenues.
  • The college now housed in the new five storied building has an office manned by the sincere sacrificing staff.
  • The college has quite a compact and consolidated infrastructure which supports the superstructure strongly and sturdily.
  • The yearly enrollment of students is to the tune of 1400 plus.
  • A booklet stating the rules relating to the enrollment is printed and available.
  • The college respects and mostly follows healthy precedence and salubrious traditions.
Fathoming the future:
Future is not easy to predict. One may call it a freak of fortune or design of the destiny, we believe there could be an invisible hand of angel guiding, mentoring and protecting us.

The Goal of the CPS is to continue the present responsibities with the same zeal and contentiousness.
The Vision:
Future of CPS is entwined in three critical areas namely superspecialities, paramedical sciences and minimal access surgery. To modernize and upgrade the educational system to match with the advanced technology befitting specialists, in the long run.

The mission:
At present the fundamental purpose is commitment to enable physicians and surgeons to achieve and maintain the highest standards of surgical practice and patient care.

Rich Encomiums:
At this juncture CPS can publicly pay tributes to the persons who have rendered outstanding services in the establishment and development of CPS. H.W. Stevenson merits the highest accolades. As a mark of respect and gratitude, his portrait was unveiled by the Governor in 1914.

Thanks are due to the members of the successive councils for their quiet contributions to the growth of the institution. The members have been sincere, sedulous, sober, sagacious, sensible, sublime, selfless and sacrificing. They work in perfect harmony and when a decision is to be made, the numerical figure of 24 rapidly converts to 1

Administration Office:
CPS is situated in the prime locality of Mumbai near KEM Hospital, Parel and its office comprises of an area of approximately 80,000 sq. feet in a five storied building having different departments and the department heads run the day to day activities of CPS.

The CPS is having 4 lecture halls, 4 examination halls which accommodate nearly 500 students at a time. Even the DNB examinations are held in the CPS twice in a year.

College of Physicians And Surgeons, Bombay Degree Programs :


  • Diploma Programmes
  • Diploma in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Public Health

  • Diploma Programmes
  • Diploma in Public Health

Contact Details

Address: Dr. E. Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai: 400 012, INDIA

91-22-24131502, 24118179

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