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Irkutsk State Medical University

Region: Irkutsk Country: Russia

About The University
Since 1960 the Irkutsk State Medical University has been training foreign citizens. The first foreign students of this higher school were Mongolian citizens. Students from other countries have been studying here since 1987

All academic work among the foreign students is coordinated by a special Dean-office that was established in 1986. The students from 25 countries of Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America (namely Afghanistan, Argentine, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, China, Ecuador, Germany, Djibouti, Jordan, India, Israel, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Mongolia, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Sri-Lanka, Sudan and Syria) were studying in ISMU, that is Irkutsk State Medical University.

Nowadays the citizens of America, China, Georgia, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia and Ukraine are the students of ISMU.The first graduation of foreign students was held in 1966. Since that time the Medical University of Irkutsk has enrolled about 500 foreign specialis.

The foreign students take an active part in research work. Senior students attend Scientific Students' Society sittings of Therapy, Surgery and Gynecology, while junior students can cope with Biochemistry, Pathology and other basic sciences. The scientific and practical conferences of medical students are held each spring. Traditionally conference in Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology are carried out in English, French and German.

There are also events connected with the national holidays in different countries: Indian Divali, the Holiday of light and the Holiday of spring and colours - this is Mongolian "White Moon", the celebration of Motherland Defenders. You can also participate in the parties on the 8th of March, International Students' Day (the 17th of November) or traditional ball "Golden Autumn" or St. Valentine Day and Party of Laughter on the 1st of April. The foreign students take part in the regional festival Students' Spring. For recreation and acquaintance of foreign students with the city of Irkutsk there are held excursions to museum, theatres, trips to the lake of Baikal and the river of Angara. At a hostel for the students playing Ping-Pong is available in sport rooms with sport game tables.The foreign citizens are enrolled on the contraction for the free of 1700 - 2000 dollars USA a year.

The registration of the first - year students is carried after testing on the Russian language knowledge, Biology and Chemistry. The academic time begins on September the first. The training of foreign citizens in basic educational programs is carried out in the Russian language. The foreign students are trained in five specialties: treatment (6 years long), pediatric (6), medico-prevention (6), dentistry (5)and pharmacy (5).
The foreign students are taught together with the Russian students. At the 6th course the education is carried out in a special group on a special general practitioner program.

The graduates of the Medical University are given international standard diplomas with awarding an academic rank. "Doctor of Medicine" or "Magister of Pharmacy". The application to the diploma is written in two languages: Russian and Foreign (English, French or Spanish).
The students are provided with places in a hostel(the fee is 200 dollars USA a year). The personal room can be available since the third year of study and for extra money.

On October 1st 1994 the Preparatory Faculty for foreigners. On the graduation from it the students enter the Irkutsk Medical University.
In order to be invited to study the following documents and information are required (may be sent fax: 3952-240826, 3952-243066)

  • copy of the passport page with the name/ surname and the photo, with indication of date fixed for affectivity,
  • copy of the education certificate (with indication of subjects, marks, points, credits) enabling the admission to Higher School and its translation into Russian certified by Russian notary / RF consulate in the country which has given the document,
  • name / surname of a person invited (in Russian transcription), his/ her post, place of his occupation or study, with the indication of full name of educational establishment, telephones' and faxes' numbers, home address, telephone number, birth place (in Russian transcription), the place where the visa was given: country, city where the consulate foreign institution of Russia is situated.
The recognition of education certificates on its equality is performed by the Ministry of education through the department dealing with foreign students, preparatory department for foreign students within a month since hanging in of an application.
  • On arrival to the Irkutsk State Medical University (ISMU) the foreign citizen haads in his/ her personal application and the following documents:
  • the original national passport with visa and indication of the aim of staying in Russia - "the study at ISMU",
  • original medical certificate confirming the absence of HIVinfection, tuberculosis, syphilis, lepra being effective on the RF terr, tory and given not earlier a month before arrival to Russia. In absence of the medical certificate, the foreign citizen must undergo necessary examination confirming the absence of HIV infection, tuberculosis, syphilis, lepra within 3 days since his/ her arrival,
  • the Education Certificate (original and two copies of its translation certified by a notary),
  • photographs 3*4 sm in number of 9.
The obligatory condition for admission and instruction of foreign citizens is their medical guarantee through medical insurance.
The document confirming the paying for insurance policy of medical insurance of health and life, being effective in RF is put in order by the department dealing with the foreign students (the cost of insurance policy is 80 - 100 $ USA a year).

Contact Details

Address: Kraznoje Vosstanje 1, Irkutsk, 664003 Irkutsk Oblast


+7 (3952) 243 597

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