Nashik District Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj was established in the year 1914 and is marching towards its centenary year come 2014.
Inspired and influenced by the work of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Savitribai Phule, Rajshree Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj with motto of BAHUJAN HITAAY BAHUJAN SUKHAAY
Important Information
Pic 3spreading knowledge and building a progressively cultured society, this institute has spread education to the poorest of poor into the interiors of all villages of Nasik district.
- MVP Samaj was established in the year 1914
- 1,66,996 student in various branches.
- We have Post graduate courses in 14 subjects.
Rajshree Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj
Nashik District Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj was established in the year 1914 and is marching towards its centenary year come 2014.
- Inspired and influenced by the work of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Savitribai Phule, Rajshree Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj with motto of BAHUJAN HITAAY BAHUJAN SUKHAAY like minded visionaries Karmaveer Raosaheb Thorat , Kakasaheb Wagh, Bhausaheb Hire, Annasaheb Murkute, Dattatraya Bhonsale, Kirtivanrao Nimbalkar, Ganpat Dada More and many more self sacrificing, dynamic social workers sowed the seeds of what today is a giant organisation and a leading educational trust.
- At the beginning of 20th century when the social, political and economic condition of the villagers in the interior of Maharashtra was in utter chaos and the downtrodden people of the Bahujan Samaj, adivasis and Dalits were living a helpless and hopeless life, the visionaries realized that the only answer to their woes was education.
- Armed with education as an instrument for all round progress and with the mission of spreading knowledge and building a progressively cultured society, this institute has spread education to the poorest of poor into the interiors of all villages of Nasik district.
- What started in 1914 as a hostel for 5 boarders as Udoji Maratha Boarding, today caters to the educational need of 1,66,996 student in various branches thus moulding their future.
- It is easy to establish an institute but difficult to nurture, grow and maintain its growth.
- Since its inception and keeping in pace with the times the institute has slowly, steadily and continuously added various courses to its name and today has 342 branches all over the district which include preprimary, primary, secondary, higher secondary schools, Arts, Science, Commerce colleges, Industrial Training Institutes, Law college, B.Ed. college, D.Ed. college and offers Professional courses like Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Medical etc.
- The medical college was established in 1990, with modest hospital in the auspicious premises of Udoji Maratha boarding and classes being run in the KTHM college anintake capacity of 100 students.
- In 1992 this intake was increased to 120.
- In 1994 the college was shifted to 54 acres campus of Adgaon.
- Our Under graduate intake capacity is 120.
- Our Post graduate intake capacity is 42 degrees and 14 diplomas.
- We have Post graduate courses in 14 subjects, Gen Surgery, Medicine, OBST & Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radiology, ENT, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Anesthesiology.
- We have applied to MCI for increase in intake capacity of post graduate degrees in the above courses.
- We have applied to MCI for starting PG courses in Pharmacology, Microbiology and Pulmonary Medicine.
- These recognitions and expansions granted by the MCI and by the Ministry of Health & Family welfare, Government of India are the result of visionary guidance and whole hearted support of our Gen. Secretary Dr. Vasant Pawar Sir the efforts put in by the faculty and the excellent facilities like spacious building , large lecture halls, well-equipped laboratories, well-stocked library, a hospital with 990 beds, ultra-modern super specialty facilities, such as MRI, whole body CT Scan, ICUs, with ventilators, and the equipment required for neuro-surgery, plastic surgery, etc.
- Sprawling over an area of 320000 sq.ft. MVP Hospital is surrounded by a picturesque landscape and has an independent OPD, IPD and casualty complex, which are all interconnected.
- The IPD complex houses 11 clinical department.
- Each department has 4 well furnished and well equipped examination rooms, demonstration room, dressing rooms and minor OT's in surgical specialities.
- Besides regular consultation we run specialty clinics for cancer detection, infertility, Endocrinology, Haemato-onclogy. Nephrology, Cardilogy, Neurology and cosmetic Skin Care.
- Our OPD has some of the latest diagnostic tools like Colposcope, Treadmill, 2 D Echo, Computerized perimetry, Autorefractometer, Audiometry, EMG, VEP & EEG.
- Our CCL has fully automatic analyzers, blood gas analyzer, cryostat machine and conducts hormonal assay study besides routine investigation work.
- Our radiology department has MRI, CT Scan, Digital X-Ray, Mammography & 4Dupgradable USG.
- We offer 24 hours emergency services so also our radiology, CCL, Blood Bank, Eye Bank run round the clock.
- IPD has 24 spacious wards and special zone with 80 beds.
- Our emergency complex has a 20 bedded casualty, 20 bedded TICU, 2 major OT's, NICU and PICU.
- OT complex with 8 major OTs and 1 steel OT. 4 of these OTs have laminar air flow facility.
- Latest surgical techniques like Laproscopy, Endoscopy , Microearsurgery, Arthroscopy, Knee & Hip joint replacement, phacoemulsification, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Urosurgery and Paediatric Surgery are carried out in our hospital.
- We also have plans to go for a cath lab and organ transplant centre.
- Our 20 bedded ICU with all life saving facilities is already serving as a boon to the needy who cannot afford the expensive ICU charges elsewhere.
- Haemodialysis unit started functioning since may 2008 and has 4 dialysis units.
- CSSD along with regular autoclaves has instrument washer and drier, ethylene oxide sterilizer, ultrasonic cleaner and is directly connected to the OT complex by a service lift.
- A central gas unit, which provides continuous oxygen, nitrous & suction to Casualty, TICU, ICU, PICU, NICU in every general ward and special zone.
Founder's Message
The revolutionary thought of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule There is no other alternative but education for social change created an awareness about education in the common masses of Maharashtra. The same thought was pursued by the great thinker reformers like, His Highness Rajarshee Shahu Maharaj, His Highness Shreemant Sayajirao Gaikwad Maharaj, Maharshee Vitthal Ramji Shinde, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Dr. Karmveer Bhaurao Patil, Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh and others.
All these dignitaries were great visionaries who firmly believed that unless the channels of education, from pre-primary to higher level, are opened, the light of knowledge will not reach the doors of the rural masses. The followers of this tradition-Karmveer Raosaheb Thorat, Karmveer Ganpatdada More, D.R. Bhosale and others initiated the task of spreading education by starting Udoji Maratha Hostel in 1914. It was a significant beginning of the future Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj.
It was in 1913 that All India Maratha Education Conference was organized in Nashik, where His Highness Shreemant Udojirao Pawar of Dhar Residency donated Rs. 10,000/- that strengthened the very foundation of the Institution. In order to stabilize the work of the Institution, His Highness started a grant of Rs. 2,000/- per annum. Rajarshee Shahu Maharaj donated Rs.15, 000/-, Shreemant Sayajirao Gaikwad Maharaj Rs.12000/-, His Highness Shreemant Madhavrao Maharaj of Gwalior Residency Rs. 10000/-, the then industrialist Pandurang Javaji Chaudhari of Bombay Rs. 3000/- so as to enable the Institution to expand its educational work.
Bahujan Hitaya, Bahujan Sukhaya for the Welfare and Happiness of the common Masses is the motto of the Institution. To follow this motto, the social workers like Shankarrao Kadam Kanaladkar, Bhausaheb Hiray, Kakasaheb Wagh, Annasaheb Murkute came forward. The institution gained name and fame in a short time due to its well organized and disciplined planning implementing various educational schemes. Since various donors and social workers belonging to various places generously helped the institution a small plant of the institution began to flourish and blossom.
MVP Samaj manages more than 340 educational & professional institutions. The spectrum of educational institution encompasses Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Graduate & Postgraduate conventional Colleges, Professional & Vocational Colleges. The total strength of students is over 1,77,344.
About Library
Special Features:
- Advisory Comittee for the library
- Pleasant & welcoming atmosphere
- Book Bank facility is provided to deserving & needy student
- Separate Reading Room facility for Boys & Girls
- Separate faculty reading room
- News papers are also provided to the students for reading
- Reading Room capacity for all students
- Open access for all students
- Special services to competitive students
- Internet Facility
- Departmental Library Facilities

N.D.M.V.P. Samaj Medical College, Nashik Degree Programs :
- BPMT - Laboratory Technician
- BPMT - Plaster technician
- BPMT - Clinical Psychologist
- BPMT - Transfusion Medicine technician
- BPMT - Radiographic Technician
- BPMT - Anesthesia Technician
- BPMT - Histopathology technician
- BPMT - Histopathology technician
- BPMT - Operation Theatre Technician
- BPMT - Community Medicine/ Health inspector
- BPMT - Blood transfusion technician
- BPMT - Optometry technician
- Diploma in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
- Bachelor of Paramedical Technology
: Vasantdadanagar,Adgaon, NASHIK- 422003.