About OAU: The Obafemi Awolowo University is a comprehensive public institution established in 1962 as The University of Ife. The University is situated on a vast expanse of land totaling 11,861 hectares in Ile-Ife, Osun State, southwest of Nigeria.
In the 1970 and the early 1980, the University attained a foremost position among universities in Africa, with a vibrant academic and social atmosphere and a high international reputation. Today, the University celebrates a rich tradition of excellence having produced, from among its staff, a Nobel Laureate and four National Merit Award winners.
The University comprises the central campus, the student residential area, the staff quarters and a Teaching and Research Farm. The central campus comprises the academic, administrative units and service centers. The student residential area are made up of 10 undergraduate hostels and a postgraduate hall of residence. Many restaurants are located here. There is a power station, a dam and a water treatment plant. Library Resources The Central Libarary , The Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library, consists of two multi-storey wings strategically located in the heart of the campus. It has a seating capacity of 2,500 with the availability of On-line Internet access to books and journals. It is a depository for the publications of The United Nations and its Agencies including UNESCO, ILO and ECA.
As at November 2004, the holdings of the Library were 645,553 volumes covering various disciplines and research areas. A digitization project of the theses, Newspapers and some historical documents is in progress. In addition to the Central Library there are faculty and departmental Libraries. Inter library services are also available. Government Funded Centres Government parastatals sited at the Obafemi Awolowo University are:
The Centre for Energy Research and Development(CERD)
The National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM)
The African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education- English (ARC SSTE-E)
The United Nations Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Survey(RECTAS)
Sports and Recreation The Sport Center, prominently located in the central campus, provides indoor and out-door sports such as table tennis, badminton, soccer, cricket, judo, track and field events that encourage staff and students to keep fit physically.
The Centre is equipped with ultra modern facilities and the students participate in competitive sports such as the Nigerian University Games(NUGA). There are also recreational facilities including basketball courts, table tennis, etc. in each hall of residence.
The Obafemi Awolowo University Staff Club with its swimming pool is available for registered staff members and their guests. OAU Staff School
The Obafemi Awolowo University Staff School was established in 1967 to render primary education to children of staff as well as pupils from the immediate vicinity. Its objective among others is to lay a sound basis for scientific and reflective thinking. The school has well-equipped laboratories and libraries. OAU International School
The Obafemi Awolowo University International School was established in January 2000 with the objectives of preparing students for higher education and preparing them for useful living within the society. Admission into the Junior Secondary School is through competitive entrance examinations and interviews.
Our Vision To build a reputation for sound financial management and prompt production of financial reports to all stakeholders.
Our Mission To carry out effective and efficient management of the financial operations of the University including the preparations and presentation of financial reports, design of financial systems, billings and collection of revenue on behalf of the University.
The following are centres of excellence at OAU working in several fields of research:
Atmospheric Research And Information Analysis Lab (ARIAL)
Centre for Energy Research and Development (CERD)
Center for Gender Studies (CGS)
Centre for Industrial Research and Development (CIRD)
Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Africa (ARCSSTE)
Central Science Laboratory (CSL)
Centre for Space Research (CSR)
Cooperative Information Network (COPINE / CICTED)
Drug Research & Production Unit (DRPU)
National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM)
Natural History Museum (NHM)
OAUIFE/GATES Institute JHU Partnership Project
Obafemi Awolowo University Degree Programs :
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Science (Nursing)
Bachelor Degree
B.Pharm. (Bachelor of Pharmacy)
Video Presentation
Obafemi Awolowo University
This video was made around 2008 by Emeka Obianom... It shows an overview on the structural complexity behind the school's architecture
Contact Details
Address: Ile-Ife, Osun State
Email: gaderoun@oauife.edu.ng
234 (36) 230 290
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