About Us
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences is the outcome of the vision of Madras Medical Mission to create a medical school offering innovative medical education with internal participation. Through PIMS, Madras Medical Mission aims to achieve a number of elevated standards:
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences is located 12 Km from Puducherry on the East Cost Road. The campus houses a 500 bedded state-of-art teaching hospital along with the various support and ancillary facilities
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences is currently recognized for treatment, not only by various Government bodies like BSNL, Pondicherry University, but also by 10 corporates. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences is also helping Government of Puducherry in looking after two Primary Healthcare Centers.
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences also made special arrangements for the all sections of the society by arranging private wards and providing corporate care programmes. Major credit cards are recognized and the hospital is also recognized by National & International insurance agencies which include ARMS (Asia Rescue and Medical Services Calcutta :Exotic Tours New Delhi).
Legal, Risk, Insurance and Visa
If you'd like to travel to India for medical treatment, and need to verify if your insurance provider will cover your bills You need to check with your insurance provider whether treatment at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences is covered by your policy. If not, you will have to bear the expense of their treatment. The cost of treatment will however be much less than the equivalent treatment in a hospital in the West.
Legal Issues
As a prospective medical tourist you should also be aware of possible legal issues. Currently there is no international legal regulation of medical tourism. The issue of legal recourse for unsatisfactory treatment across international boundaries is currently a legally undefined issue.
All medical procedures have an element of risk.
Medical Visa
The Indian Government has started issuing a Medical Visa for tourists who come to India for medical treatment. This visa is valid for a year or the period of treatment, whichever is less, and can be extended by another year. The medical visa enables a tourist to travel to India up to three times in one year. Two family members or attendants can also accompany a patient on a medical visa. Based on the Indian Embassy's assessment of the patients needs, family members or attendants can be granted a visa, in association with the patient's medical visa.
Department of Anatomy
Anatomy department is one of the best and efficient departments in Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences. It has a very eminent and experienced set of teaching faculty. It is housed in the ground floor of Basic Sciences Block.
The department has a big Dissection Hall with 200 students' capacity. It is equipped with a special exhaust duct system, Camera with close circuit TV and public addressing system. There are 2 big tanks for storing 50 cadavers at a time. It has two separate rooms for storage of bones and chemicals. Embalming facilities are also provided. Both official and private embalmings are undertaken. Students are provided with individual lockers.
The Histology Lab is big enough to accommodate sixty students. Students have individual self illuminating light microscopes. It has a separate preparation room with all necessary facilities.
0413 - 3051111 / 2656271
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