It was the last half of the 19th Centaury and the spirit of 'Nationalism' soar high the people of India . The medical fraternity was equally charged with the fervor of 'Nationalism'. In 1886, Dr.Radha Gobinda .Kar returned from U.K and convened a meeting on 18th October, to establish a Medical School separate from the official institutions under the British rulers. It was attended by the stalwarts like Dr. Mahendranath Benerjee , Dr Akshoy Kumar Dutta, Dr Bipin Behari Moitra, Dr.M.l.De , Dr. B.G.Banerjee, Dr.Kunda Bhattachayra and many others.
Thus in the same year, Calcutta Medical School came into existence. Later, it merged with another nationalist organization' College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal ' and the Belgachia Medical College ' came into being in 1916. it was inaugurated by the then Governor of Bengal Lord Carmichael with its first batch of 48 students.
After the demise of Dr.Radh Govinda Kar , the College was named after him. The Ex-students' Association was formed in 1932 and the first Re-union took place under the presidency of
History of radiation therapy at R.G.Kar Medical College is very old as well as interesting. In the forties, cancer patients were treated here with Radium needle and Deep X-ray machine. In 1974, Telecaesium machine was installed. Telecobalt machine was started functioning from 6th May, 2005.
The department is actively engaged in teaching and patient care activities since its inception. Presently radiotherapy services offered to the patients through Theratron 780E external beam machine and HDR Brachytherapy through Bebig miniature cobalt source. Three dimensional treatment planning is regularly done for radical treatment. Every year 1500 new patients consult this department for treatment. New patients are usually registered on referral after pathological confirmation of neoplasm/malignancy. Presently the department has the comprehensive set up for treatment of various cancers in combination with surgery and chemotherapy.
University Buildings
The Government of Bombay lent the two-storied building belonging to the middle school situated in Aurangpura (New Zilla Parishad) with its annexes. Until such time as the University is able to construct its own buildings on the University campus. It was proposed to utilize the existing building for the office. The meeting of the University bodies, for accommodating the University departments and library and for holding some of the post graduates classes.
In all the eight colleges in Marathwada were affiliated to the Osmania University, when the Marathwada University was established in June-1958 one more college at Jalna was affiliated in the month of July of the same year.The affiliation of nine colleges with the Osmania University terminated on October 31, 1958. The nine colleges are as follows:
S.N. Medical College,located on the main campus, conducts and promotes research on natural therapies and natural medicines and works to advance the knowledge of issues surrounding research in natural medicine. The Institute provides a full range of research and informational services to support experimental, developmental and outcomes research.
S.N.Medical College Research Institute Serves the public by conducting and promoting research on natural therapies and to advance the knowledge of complementary / alternative medicine. SNMCRI provides scientific evidence to the empirical findings experienced, documented, and practiced by individuals world wide: that there are fundamental and scientific reasons to the effectiveness of natural therapeutics. The opportunity now exists for naturopathic physicians, researchers and academicians to demonstrate scientifically the medicinal value of complementary / alternative medicine.
Our biomedical research programs include human subjects research, basic sciences research, public health projects, epidemiological studies, and quality assurance of natural products.
During year 2004-2005, S. N. Medical College & Hospital is celebrating its 150th Foundation year (1854-2004) and on this prestigious occasion, all faculty members, employees and students have strived hard for the improvement in available facilities for patients and students and for improving the overall image of the institution in minds of the people.
Due to ever-increasing number of private nursing homes and clinics and due to the dominance of Private qualified and non-qualified practitioners, there was a decrease in patient input during past few years. Along with this due to the deficiency of hospital staff, and consequent irregularity in the working, the image of this institute had also deteriorated among the community.
But due to the sincere efforts of all who are involved, the situation have now shown a positive improvement and patients have again started showing their trust on the facilities of this institute. The newer initiatives undertaken and achievements during this year (2004-2005) can be briefly outlined as follow..
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