A group of young Rangarayans (Medical graduates from Rangaraya medical college, Kakinada, India and currently practicing as Physicians in USA) met in the windy city, Chicago in 1971 and decided to start an organization called Rangaraya medical college old boys association. Only a few Rangarayans in Chicago and suburbs attended this meeting but they were not deterred and were even more determined to create Rangaraya association and spread the message of friendship and sharing the knowledge among Rangarayans settled across USA.
The driving force behind this budding organization was none other than our proud Rangarayan Dr Upendranadh Nimmagadda, a well-known surgeon, academician and philanthropist. The same organization has transformed into RMCANA (Rangaraya Medical College Alumni of North America) which stands very tall today with more than 650 active members serving the communities in our current home land, USA for the past 39 years. Our emphasis now is to share our experience, knowledge and expertise in various medical specialties with our fellow doctors in India and USA and serve their respective local communities.
Our emphasis now is to share our experience, knowledge and expertise in various medical specialties with our fellow doctors in India and USA and serve their respective local communities.
Our Members have participated in various charity programs in USA and India both on individual basis and as an organization (RMCANA). Our Latest Project is the RMCANA Golden Jubilee library in our Alma mater, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, India. This is now recognized by many as one of the best medical school libraries in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Under the stewardship of our past presidents several charity projects were undertaken in both USA and India on individual basis and also as a group provided contributions through other charity organizations like TANA foundation. Our fellow Rangarayan Dr Usharani Nimmagadda was recently honored by Honorable Daley, Mayor of the city of Chicago for her outstanding community service through the health clinic in Chicago, USA.
RMCANA members meet every two years during the biennial reunion conferences to share the scientific knowledge and participate in cultural and social activities with other members and their families.
Dr. Upendranadh Nimmagadda is the founding president s of RMC old boys Association.
Dr. Upendranadh Nimmagadda completed his M.B.B.S from Rangaraya Medical College in 1964 with gold medals in Pathology and General surgery. Came to USA in 1967 He practiced Surgery in Chicago area until his retirement in 1999. Nimmagadda family donated $250,000 to purchase the building for the Health Clinic in Chicago and its operations. He was Founding member of Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago and Served as President for two terms. He was well known in the Indian Community in Chicago for his services as a surgeon and also for his leadership and charitable work.
It is my pleasure and privilege to serve RMCANA as president from 1997 to 1999. During my term as president, I sent news letter to all RMCANA members (294) every three months, to share the information, to improve communication and to encourage them to participate in improving our organization . Many of our members called me and expressed their appreciation in receiving the news letters.
During that time I requested Dr. A.V.Krishnam Raju, professor of Pathology, in person to help our RAMCANA members in getting needed information like credentials from our medical college to get state licensure in U.S.A. I shared this information to all RMCANA members to contact Dr. Krishnam Raju if they need any documentation from our medical college. I also met with RAMCOSA president Dr. Pullarao and his executive committee. During my term, we collected and sent several journals of various specialties to Rangaraya Medical college library.
I released RMCANA members directory in 1999. I started Rangaraya Liaison in other countries to exchange views and information among us. During our Reunion I also extended invitation to Rangarayans in other countries. During our Reunion at TANA in 1998, we all enjoyed Dr. Apparaos visit from England and his melodious singing took us back to past memories. Besides our Reunion at TANA in 1998, we also had our biannual Reunion along with GMC & KMC at Pittsburgh in 1999. It was well attended and successful. On a personal note, I am happyto say because of my strong desire to do social service in both India and USA along with my husband, Dr. Murthy, we took early retirement Our charity activities involve mostly in education and health.
On our visits to Kakinada, we spend time with general hospital superintend and the principal of R.M.C. to discuss the needs of hospital and college. As per their request, so far, we developed the Physiotherapy unit and Obstetrics intensive care unit in Government general hospital which are helping both the patients and the students. I would like to thank all RMCANA members for their support during my term.
Subsequent Developments
.The Orphanage building was adequate to locate the pre-clinical departments but with the lapse of time, when the para-clinical courses were started accommodation had to be provided for them. Initially they were located in the Simpson Buildings but later a three storied building was constructed to house the Clinical Biochemistry and laboratory for Micro biological investigations.
Building for the Dept. of Forensic Medicine and a Mortuary was also constructed in the Government Hospital campus. Subsequently site was alienated from the P.R. Govt. College and a new block in which the departments of Pathology, Pharmacology and Central Library are now located, was built. Besides the above, the block has two big lecture galleries, each accommodating 300 students. Simultaneously with the expansion of the college, the Govt. General Hospital also was developed and today it has a bed strength of 890.
In due course super specialties like Cardiology, Plastic Surgery, Neuro Surgery and Urology were organized both for the treatment of patients and purposes of teaching. With a view to provide field training to clinical students and internees, a rural health center was created at Gollalamamidada.
Management of the College
The Medical Education Society which sponsored the Medical college constituted a governing body for the day to day administration of the college. Col. D.S. Raju, Sri M Harischandra Prasad and Dr. P.V.N. Raju acted as Presidents of the Governing body at different times and contributed a lot for the growth of the Institution.
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