The word 'Dharm' traditionally means religion, ritual, duty, righteousness and alms. It also implies justice, truthfulness, freedom from fear, faith, solace, fulfillment and peace.
Dharmasthala is the perfect embodiment of the word "Dharma" for it displays every shade of meaning with which this word is inspired from, the greatness of Dharmasthala, however is the fact that it has added an active element to Dharma, which touches the lives of people with a transformational directness that is unique. To those that come for worship, Dharmasthala represents religious tolerance wherein caste, creed and faith of pilgrims are no bars.
One of the prime examples of Dharmasthala's practice of Dharma in action has been the role it has played in fostering education. The seed of what has grown into a giant tree of knowledge was sown in the soil of Belthangady Taluk in Dakshina Kannada, many decades ago.
The foundation built by the earlier Dharmadhikaris inspired Shri Veerendra Haggade to give added impetus to the Kshetra's efforts to ensure the betterment of society through the catalytic effect of education.
The ripples of Dharmasthala's initiatives have spread far and wide. They encompass a host of educational institutions, spanning primary to post graduate and professional. Even highly innovative vocational institutions have been enveloped in this endeavor.
While emphasis has been on providing a modern education, traditional values have not been lost sight of. Each and every one of the institutions strives to inculcate the Indian culture and values in the students who pass through its portals.
The educational institutions that are within Dharmasthala's fold are run by the SDM Educational Trust. However the management of the institutions is overseen by the Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational Society. With eminent personalities forming the decisive body of these institutions, the two organizations, jointly provide purpose and direction to the institutions under the benign guidance of Shri Veerendra Heggade.
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Medical Sciences is the first modern medicine Medical College established under the aegis of the SDM Educational Society. Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade has many maiden ventures to his credit, which have become legendary achievements under his gamut of social reforms. His visionary conceptualisation of an ideal Medical College has taken shape at Dharwad.
The first batch of one hundred students commenced their I MBBS course in September 2004. Under the stewardship of Medical Director Dr. Niranjan Kumar and Principal Dr. J. V. Chowti, the students have been cared for in an ideal atmosphere.
Located 6 kms from Dharwad on the Pune-Bangalore road in a spacious 52-acre land of serene surroundings, the SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital complex can boast of an ideal atmosphere for best medical education. No attempt has been spared in providing the best infrastructure facilities needed for an ideal professional in the making. Spacious location away from the noise of buzzing cities, pollution free environment and comfortable natural ambient temperature range of this part of Karnataka state can be an ideal dream of many parents drawn from various locations of India and abroad.
Hostels for boys and girls in the vicinity of the hospital and college, suitable timings for library, well tailored timings for classes and studies, facilities for outdoor and indoor games, museum facilities, outlets for extra curricular activities which are allowed at an austere level, all enable the student to take on the burden of the medical curriculum in a balanced manner.
The campus restricts to a fully vegetarian menu and offers freedom from the need to keep motorcycles/cars thereby obviating the anxieties of parents.
Above all, the cream of medical professionals are chosen as the teaching staff. Individual mentoring of the students by the teacher guides, the Associate Deans and the Student Welfare Officer ensures personal care of every student of SDM Medical College.
In a nutshell, it can be said that the SDM College of Medical Sciences & Hospital offers a clean and wholesome atmosphere where the parents from far off places can feel confident about their ward's care and education
From the desk of Dr. Niranjan Kumar, Medical Director
MDphoto.jpgKeeping in with the prime objective of the SDME Society of providing value based education and social service, the SDM College of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dharwad was established in the year 2003 to address the ever growing demand by the society for quality health care professionals delivering quality health care through quality infrastructure at an affordable cost to alleviate human suffering through healing hands.
The Institution since its inception has garnered tremendous amount of goodwill from the public which is reflected in its unprecedented growth statistics. A new Super specialty Block capable of housing 400 beds is under construction to accommodate the increasing patient population from all walks of life. The Management feels a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction noting that its services are reaching and helping the suffering and needy segment of the population.
Students who have graduated from the Medical Institution are bringing laurels to the Institution through their conduct, character and practice of value based medicine.
Great sense of pride and achievement fills our hearts and souls as we participate and contribute our efforts in fructifying the grand vision of our vision leader Poojya Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade.
The Department of Physical Education & Sports conducts the Sports events under two main categories,
SDM College
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as S.D.M College of physiotherapy. We are pleased to give you a detail profile of our College which will give in-debt information of our activities.
As an institution of scholars, researchers, teachers, and students, the mission of SDM College of physiotherapy, in the public service, is to advance and transmit knowledge and to translate research into service. The college is committed to a mission of equal treatment and opportunity in every aspect of its relations with faculty, students, staff, and members of the community.
Physiotherapy is an exciting profession that offers nearly endless opportunities in, academic, clinical practice and research. Today physiotherapists are independent professionals and take active roles in prevention and wellness, fitness, and rehabilitation of clients.
As one of the most prestigious physiotherapy programs in India, we encourage you to consider seeking a SDM College of physiotherapy education. We at SDM believe in putting value in education.
Foreseeing the growing importance of Physiotherapy field more than a decade back, Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade founded S.D.M. College Physiotherapy at Dharwad under the auspices of SDME Society in the year 1996.
We offer educational programs at Bachelors and Master's level. Our experienced faculty will provide you with rigorous academic, clinical and research experiences in a state-of-the-art setting. Your choice of this profession reflects your commitment to caring for others in the context of a profession that is continually developing to meet new demands and rising challenges in health care .
Your education will serve you exceptionally well in pursuing a long and rewarding career in physiotherapy. We welcome your inquiry and look forward to helping you achieve your professional goals.
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