TSMU is recognized institute of higher medical education, by the (MCI & WHO)
Tajik State Medical University. Abu Ali Sina ibni was founded in 1939 and is the only medical schools of the Republic of Tajikistan. Medical Tajiks have original history, dating back to antiquity. Treasury of the world of medical science have enriched the works of the greatest scientists, doctors of antiquity and especially Abu Ali Sina ibni (X - XI cc.), Of which drew medical knowledge and skill of many generations of doctors and scientists around the world. Therefore, significant is the fact that the university is known as a great scientist and a genius of medical science ibni Abu Ali Sina.
Organization of the Tajik State Medical Institute - one of the brightest pages in the history of the republic, formation and development of medical science, medical education and health.With the activities of the institute is closely connected with all the achievements in the health of the republic.
During the 70-year history the university has trained more than 30,000 health professionals who work not only in his native Tajikistan, but also in over 40 countries worldwide. To his 70-th TSMU trained 32,442 doctors, including 15,734 doctors, medical manual, 8596 pediatricians, 2,218 dentists, 1,341 pharmacists and 246 public health professionals, general medical faculty of 4,307 professionals who are working not only domestically but also abroad. Today the University has experienced staff of teachers and a training center not only practitioners, but science teachers highly qualified. Management is currently TSMU consists of the rector and 5 vice-rectors, heads of educational, scientific, administrative, economic, medical, educational departments.Basis of scientific and educational process at the university are the faculty. In TSMU at this time there are 63 departments, 9 of which are comprehensive, 15 theory, 24 the therapeutic profile and 15 surgical departments. Faculty staff of the University currently consists of 664 people. Among them: doctors, professors - 84; candidates, associate professors - 211; senior teachers, assistants - 369. A total of 1,165 employees working TSMU from among the faculty.
In order to implement the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 2, 2003 at number 508 of the State program to improve teaching and learning of English and Russian languages ​​in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period 2004-2014, was coordinated with the Ministry of Education as an experiment, to organize group English language training. Currently there are 14 of these student groups. For faculty members were organized English language courses in the curriculum of the university was introduced examinations in Russian language. Department of English Language published textbook "English for Medical Schools." In the past two years, trained 26 teachers with the support of leadership Medical University, who lead classes in English, foreign students. For international recognition and accreditation of medical university leadership intends to continue to implement the educational process in three languages.
Over the past few years TSMU name Abu Ali Sina ibni doing a great job of teaching foreign students. In October 2005 a decision about teaching foreign students the first three years in the English language. Classes with foreign students conducted by highly qualified scientists, professors, associate professors, university professors, who have many years of experience. During its existence the Department of International Relations, from 1977 to the present time, trained 700 specialists with higher medical education, 31 clinical interns, 4 interns, and 3 PhD; 690 foreign nationals have completed the preparatory department and sent for training in medical schools of the CIS. Currently TSMU name Abu Ali Sina ibni study of 530 foreign students from 15 states and abroad, including from Afghanistan (107 people), Saudi Arabia (4 people), Iraq (2 people), Kazakhstan (42 people) Kyrgyzstan (11 people), Latvia (1 person), Azerbaijan (2 persons), Pakistan (23 people), Russia (11 people), Turkmenistan (26 people), Uzbekistan (13 people), India (267 people), Iran (19 people), Syria (1 person) and Sudan (1 person). Of 530 students for 1-6 courses of study - 502 attendees., 9 enrolled in clinical residency, 6 interns, 7 master's degree and 4 in graduate school, 2 pers. taken at the preparatory courses. According to bilateral agreements, 73 students enrolled under the quota on the basis of intergovernmental agreements.
Research and publishing is one of the important activities of the faculty and students, coordinated by the Department of Science. The last decade has been characterized radically improving planning and research at the advanced level. Employees of the institute began to participate more actively in the work world, international, interstate and republican scientific conferences. Employees TSMU take part in various international conferences and abroad in the U.S., Russia, Iran and other countries. A number of talented graduate students, master's invitation to go to international conferences on various aspects of medicine. The best scientific work of students and masters, presented at conferences and symposia were awarded certificates and diplomas TSMU.
One of the decisive factors to further improve therapeutic and preventive care in the republic is the introduction of science into public health practice. In order to improve the efficiency of research at the University constantly works on the concentration of scientific potential for solving the most important for practical public health problems of the republic.
Should also be noted that at the Tajik State Medical University is actively carried out medical and mentoring and consulting work. In TSMU them. Abu Ali Sina ibni are 38 clinical departments, including 22 medical and 16 surgical. Clinical Department placed in 25 hospitals in Dushanbe. Employee participation in the clinical departments of medical and mentoring and advisory assistance is carried out on 10 areas: coordination, quality control and implementation of health care procedures, health facilities, mentoring and consulting assistance to districts and regions of the country, participated in the examination of the quality of clinical processes, participation in preparation and conduct of various medical forums, the introduction of the achievements of scientific research into the practice of clinical sites; promotion of medical knowledge, training and retraining.
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