The University for Development Studies UDS) was established in May 1992 by PNDC Law 279 to blend the academic world with that of the community in order to provide constructive and meaningful interaction between the two for the total Development of Northern Ghana, in particular, and Ghana as whole. It began academic work in September 1993 with the first batch of thirty-nine (39) students admitted into the Faculty of Agriculture, (FOA), Nyankpala.
The University's principal objective is to address and find solutions to the environmental problems and socio-economic deprivations that have characterized northern Ghana in particular and are also found in some rural areas throughout the rest of the country.
Accordingly, UDS consciously and systematically run programmes that are targeted to prepare the individuals to establish their own careers in specialized areas. Further it equips these practitioners with requisite knowledge to enable them to live and function in any deprived community in the country.
Although the University is still in need of physical infrastructure and teaching aids, it has steadily grown over the years, and now operates four (4) satellite campuses spread out in the three (3) Northern Regions of Ghana. That is Wa Campus (Upper West Region), Navrongo campus (Upper East Region) and, Tamale and Nyankpala Campuses (Northern Region).
The Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, (FIDS), Faculty of Planning and Land Management (FPLM) and Faculty of Education (FOA), School of Business, Wa, School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), Tamale, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources (FRNR), Nyankpala, Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS), Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (FMS), Navrongo and the Graduate School now in Tamale were phased in from 1994 to date.
Presently there are Masters programmes in the Social Sciences and Sciences run by the University. Equally the University offers doctorate degree programmes.
As stated in the vision of the university, "to be a home of world-class pro-poor scholarship"; the University strives to ensure that there are intellectual and pragmatic inputs into the developmental processes of the poor, disadvantaged and the marginalized areas and peoples of the country and beyond.
Accordingly, the combination of its location and its vision makes the University for Development Studies ideally placed to be partnered with any organization (s) in addressing environmental challenges. The University also equips its products with requisite knowledge to enable them to live and function in any deprived community.
The University now has four (4) campuses, seven (7) Faculties, a Business School, a Medical School, a Graduate School and three (3) centres. The current student population stands at about twenty thousand.
Established in May 1992 by the Government of Ghana to blend the academic world with that of the community in order to provide constructive interaction between the two for the total development of Northern Ghana, in particular, and the country as a whole (PNDC Law 279, Section 279).
The UDS was borne out of the new thinking in higher education which emphasizes the need for universities to play a more active role in addressing problems of the society, particularly in the rural areas (Effah, 1998).
The university by its mandate and constituency has a pro-poor focus. This is reflected in its methodology of teaching, research and outreach services. The specific emphasis on practically-oriented research and field-based training is aimed at contributing towards poverty reduction in order to accelerate national development:
It began academic work in September 1993 with the admission of thirty-nine (39) students into the Faculty of Agriculture, (FOA), Nyankpala.
The Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, (FIDS), Faculty of Planning and Land Management (FPLM) and Faculty of Education(FOE), Wa, School of Business, Wa, School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), Tamale, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources (FRNR), Nyankpala, Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS), Faculty of Mathematical Sciences(FMS), Navrongo and the Graduate School now in Tamale were phased in from 1994 to date.
UDS is unique compared to other public universities in the following ways:
Its location and multi campuses are spread out in rural northern Ghana where the incidence and depth of poverty is high.
Its vision is pro-poor aimed at addressing the conditions and structural causes of poverty.
The UDS has four (4) campuses, seven (7) Faculties, a Business School, one Medical School, one Graduate School and three (3) centers
Several programs are run at these places
The UDS also runs a community-technical interface programme. This is a combination of the academic and community-based field practical work known as the Third Trimester Field Practical Programme (TTFPP).
Educational Opportunities Between Ghana and Nigeria
Education could be formal or informal, but it is a key factor for human development. Nigeria and Ghana has a lot of mutual relationship and the educational sector seem to have more advantage. Before and during the 1990's Ghanaian's could be said to take a good percentage (%) of the entire Nigerian population as a result of the Nigerian economy. Today tertiary institutions in Ghana can ascribe same percentage to Nigerians studying in Ghana, this shows a high level of sisterhood in both countries.
University for Development Studies (UDS) Ghana, is one of such institution of learning that is proud to be associated with Nigerians. With her trimester calendar system, the university is one of the best to acquire university education in the African Continent
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