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University of Pecs, Faculty of Medicine

Region: Pecs Country: Hungary

About The University
The predecessor of the University of Pecs Medical School was the Medical University of Pecs (POTE) Which, from 1 February 1951 to 31 December 1999 has operated as a separate, independent Institution. Its historical predecessor was the Royal Hungarian Elizabeth University Sanctioned in Bratislava (Bratislava) on 7 June 1912, or rather the Medical Faculty of this University Established on 14 April 1918th Due to the University and the Faculty of Trianon military to escape from the city and after Crowning Nearly half of the Decade of Homelessness in the Capital, the University arrived in the Mecsek Hills. On 14 October 1923 after the instruction started with the official opening ceremony in the three faculties in Pecs with half of the professoriate Which was the academicians. In 1923 the fourth faculty, the Faculty of Evangelical Theology, and it was operated Established in Sopron.

In the first quarter of the century (1923-1947) at the Medical Faculty of University and Elizabeth Following in the third century of the Independent at the Medical University of Pecs, the professoriate included Professors and Teachers Such famous with nostalgic feeling, as always Mentioned Prof. Bakay, Mannheim, Entz, Mansfeld, Imre, Zechmeister, Melczer, Emperor Kornyey, Kerpen, Liss, and Ernst, Cholnoky, Oravecz, Donhoffer, Schmidt, Kudasz, Szenthagothai, Romhanyi, Grastyan and others.

The first extensive development project in the 1950s Began Which were the result of the construction of the "400-bed clinical block" (1966) and the "THEORETICAL Block" (1970). In the academic year 1973/74 was the dentistry Programme Launched with 25 students and the Angol Programme Began a Decade Later, with 36 students from a dozen countries Show. In 1990 the Medical University of Pecs (POTE) became a two-faculty When the Institution for Health Workers Training College was Initiated. On 1 January 2000 the Medical University of Pecs, Pollack Mihaly was united with the Technical College, the University of Sciences and Janus Pannonius with Illyes Gyula Teacher Training College of Szekszard, and the University of Pecs has been originated with 9 faculties. In 2006 the University of Pecs comprises of 10 faculties.

On the site of the University of Pecs Stood there in the castle surrounded by moats and walls as early as the times of the Pannonian Celtic tribes. In the Roman age Sopianae was the name of the city Built During the Reign of Traian (98-117). It became the capital of Lower Pannonia under Diocletian (284-305). The Roman Remains Gave uncovered evidence of a large and beautiful city. Relics are the underground crypts of the Christian Roman Age. Sopianae In the third century was one of the eight Settlements in Pannonia, Which had a parish church.

The city, Which was bounded by the River Danube, the Sava river, and the Alps, became an Episcopal cathedral city under the rule of Constantine (306-337). During the First Centuries of Christianity, Sopianae played an Important part in spreading the Christian message eventually hurt Embrace the world. Later, Attila's Hunsat and the Armies of at Least Six Nations swept across this region, then Christian Settle Down South-Slavic people here. At the end of the eighth century Emperor Charlemagne (768-814) drove the Agars out, and in about 865 Liupran, the Episcopate of Salzburg, dedicated to the church at the foot of the Mecsek Hills. The records of this church Contain the expression "ad Quinque (martirum) basilicas".

That was presumably the origin of the name, "Quinque Ecclesiae", "Funfkirchen" in German, and English in Pecs, Which Might come from the Slavic word "pety" Meaning five. In the year 1000 (1009?) Stephen King (Stephen) Founded an Episcopal see in the city, Which became one of the strongholds of the Christian Medieval English Culture from harm on time. Its cathedral, Founded in the Arpadian Age and rebuilt Several times, is now one of the beautiful Neo-Romanesque churches in Europe. During the centuries, Pecs developed into the largest city, and one of The Most Important Ones, in the country. Its Greatness, favourable the climate and as one of the centers of an expansive empire During the reign of Bela III of Hungary (1172-1196) made the city emporium Such harm King Louis the Great (1342-1382) not only directed his military Plans Also from here but he Carried out his mission of spreading culture.

In 1367, he Founded the first Hungarian University - Following the footsteps of his father, Charles I According to Robert and intentions of the great Italian poet Petrarch - Approximately Which was opened at the Same Time as the other famous, still existing in Central European universities Prague, Krakow and Vienna. The Intellectual Basis for the establishment of the university was provided by The Hundreds of Hungarian military graduates who finished their studies at Italian universities and gave Mainly rectors and Famous Professors now to the two famous Italian universities - Bologna and Padua).

The Financial Basis was assured by the richness of Hungary at the time of the Angevin kings. Hungary this time produced 40% of the world's 30% of its gold and silver. Pecs was one of the favorite residences of our kings, eg King Louis the Great (Louis the Great) and King Matthias Corvinus (Matthias Corvinus). No wonder the great harm monarch Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I Referred to the city as "Paradise on Earth".

During the 14th century, the universities the world Established concept of the European intellectual elite. While in the previous Centuries hurt the schools developed beside the monasteries were centers of intellectual life, in this century the universities as centers of culture ACTE. The universities of Paris, Bologna and Padua, and later the universities of Prague, Vienna and Krakow Because of their internationality They attracted Intellectuels of the whole Christian world.

The Faculty of Law in Bologna, Founded in 1158 by Frederick Barbarossa (1152-1190), also Considered to be the Ancestor of European universities. Earlier one of the 300 years of the kings Idrisida Dynasty (788-959) Jahia I (848-904) in their capital, Fez Established in Caravain University in the 859th The French clergyman, excellent mathematician and Gerbert d'Aurillac medical doctor (930-1003) studied at university hurt, who later became known as Pope Sylvester II (999-1003), who wanted to replace the Roman numerals to Arabic numbers.

At Christmas of 1000 he sent the crown to the Hungarian Grand Prince Stephen. If one accepts 1158 as the year of foundation of the first European university, the foundation of the University of Pecs Took place 200 years later. Comparing the year of establishment of the University of Pecs with That of the first German and Austrian universities, Pecs has a short delay of 2 Decades and 2 years, respectively. Hungary at the time of the foundation of the University in Pecs was not far from Europe, Actually, it was Europe. Those years in the Population of Hungary was England's population of three million while was two million. Earlier 200 years at the time of the establishment of the first European university only the income of the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire was bigger than the income of the English King.

This was a precondition for large Population Founding of the university. In this Respect, Pecs was the first, and Florida, the county where the city is located, was the now densely populate county in the country. In Addition, the city was ranked among the Riches from a total of 700 towns in Hungary - it was one of the nine such places were hurt.

Religious life was highly developed bottom. The first Congregation of Pecs boasted more than a thousand year-old (although not continuous), history, and its English Episcopal see was more than 300 years old. On the Basis of All These, Pope Urban Sun Decree harm "in the city of Pecs Should Be there, and REMAIN FOREVER, a university with faculties of Canon Law and Roman Law accepted together with other faculties of theology except for harm." Among the 41 universities been hurt military Founded by the end of the "Second Babylonian Captivity" of the Popes in Avignon in 1379, one can find only nine real universities, BC universities with four faculties.

The Existence of the Medical Faculty of Pecs in Presumed may be. It is Important to mention here, what was the income (and honor) of a university teacher: some Professors earned 20 or even 40 marks. The most famous teacher let me 335 marks (1 mark was the price of 12 ˝ acres of land, or the Bishop of Pecs, the 1500 campaign year). The Rector earned only 10 marks, while at Bologna Teachers military Krakow 30 at Marks and only one eighth of the income of Pecs Teachers. Privileges, immunities and basic freedoms were enjoyed by the bottom students. (Among the students of the University of Pecs was Harmann Lurcz.)

Existe The University may still have at the beginning of the 15th century. Our only relic of Those Days - Perhaps this may be typical Hungarian Called our fate - is not a building or ruins of a wall but an intellectual product - the codex containing the Sermons given at the university in the Decades of 1380 and the 1390th They Represent the oldest existing religious relevance Discourses of English. From our point of view, The Most Important Sermons Those are about the lives of the English saints Stephen (Stephen), Emeric (Imre), Leslie (Louis), Elisabeth (Elisabeth), showing the University of Pecs was hurt in the hearth of Patriotic education. The Turbulent History of Hungary, is illustrated by the FACT hurt this codex, like a great number of other Relics of the past, has been preserved outside Hungary, in Munich.

Academia Istropolitana

If one says That the ancestors of King Louis the Great back to Nine Centuries are known than the great grandfather of King Matthias lapses into Obscurity of human history. However, Both of Them Hungarian kings were crowned Young (Louis at 16, Matthias at 15 years of age) and their mothers were BOTH Called Elizabeth. No Sooner let King Mathias (1458-1490) put the holy crown upon his head than he Took measures to establishe the University on the occasion of the Centenary of the foundation of the university by King Louis the Great. He sent a splendid delegation of 300 people, headed by Janus Pannonius, the Bishop of Pecs, to Pope Paul II and, two years later, in 1467, in Bratislava on the Danube river, the university "cum quibuscunque facultatibus" started its activities.

Founding by this university, Matthias set Himself in the Political direct goal, too - to keep at home the Hungarian students applying Applying a scholarship for foreign students and to attract the young of our Neighboring Countries, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Lusatia, Lower Austria as a starting point. Ten to sixteen percent of the students in Cracow were Hungarians, while the Nation Ungarica in Vienna was the third largest one. Sir John, the Archbishop of Esztergom, entrusted with the super vision of the university, engaged Teachers like Regiomontanus (John Mueller) Whose work 'Tabulae Directionum ", as an Indispensable manual for two hundred years, made The Great Geographical Discoveries of modern times possible. (It was first published in 1475, and there were eight Subsequent editions in six different languages ​​within 100 years.)

Martin Ilkuszi, the owner of a doctor's degree who received the Divinity but was Constantly address as Doctor of Medicine by Pope Paul II, lectured at the facultas Artium. At the request of King Matthias, the Pope allowed to keep his male incomes of Zagreb's canon and dean of Gorizia while studying at the University of Rome. We know the names of half a dozen more Professors. These medieval medical faculties of the universities had one or two Institutes for the study of ancient medical works, but the cultivation of the Medical Sciences was only going on at the University of Salerno and later at Montpellier.

The first University of Pecs Hotel last only for three centuries, while the university, King Matthias Established, last even less!

King Louis the Great and King Matthias and Riches were the two greatest Emperors of Hungary who supported the sciences and art just as generous patrons.
Elisabeth University of the Sciences

"Things That Accomplished we see standing in the world are properly the outer material result, the practical Realization and Embodiment, Thoughts of harm dwelt in the Great Men sent into the world", in other words - as was said by one and a half Carlyle Centuries ago - "The history of the world is but the biography of great men." In agreement with this Quotation one can say: The History of the University is the collective history of people working at the university, its faculties, clinics and departments, for - in the words of Carlyle's contemporary, Aaron Berde - "what constitutes a university can The Spirit of its Professors rather than its silent walls. " It is a FACT That there is no other place like the university where so many great people are Concentrated to work together (though it was an open question to the great thinkers of the age as to who Should Be regarded as great: Napoleon Bonaparte, who The Life of Sacrifice Several hundred thousand people for Glories or his contemporary, Jean Georges Cabanis, who saved the life of many but who is not well-known even in professional circles and Whose That achievement made only male part of world history was the introduction of surgery into medicine.)

Looking ahead from the time of King Matthias, The Fate of the New University of Bratislava, Founded by King Francis Joseph (Francis Joseph) Seems Even More Dramatic Than Those of the Previously Mentioned Institutions. BESE by tragedies, King Francis Joseph thought he was obligatory to grant the Hungarians in the third university besides Those in Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca) and Budapest. At the beginning of the 1900s, 444 years after the establishment of the University Founded by King Matthias, King Francis Joseph put the time let me come to establishe a new university.

Approved the king of the foundation of the Hungarian Royal University of Sciences in Bartislava Elizabeth (Bratislava). Began teaching in the autumn of 1914 except for the medical faculty where classes started four years later. In half a year there Catastrophe Occurred in Greater than let any harm Occurred up to this point - Trianon. The university to let me escape from Bratislava (Bratislava). After Nearly half of the Decade of Homelessness in the capital, arrived at the University of Pecs, in Hungary the first university town. The teaching staff, the leadership of the town, and the educational branch of the government did their best for the university in the town just Liberato from foreign occupation.

The initial euphoria Achieved a miracle - Hardly within the university Decade real conditions were conjured up from almost nothing. The next tragedy was on its way: the Great War. The people believe it can not be any Worse, But The history overcame the human imagination. In 1947, the name was Elizabeth Erased from the name of the University, Which Indicated the end of an autonomous Institution. Francis Joseph's Decision, to establishe the third university of Hungary in Bratislava (Bratislava) is Considered to be on the one hand the sequel of family tradition (11 Hapsburg king of Hungary were crowned in St. Martin dome) and on the other hand the honor of English history. And as compensation, to degrading of Maria Theresa's Royal Academy (1777) to vocational school law in the era of Bach (only after the Ausgleich "Compromise" in 1875 were restored to its orig-state anal).

After the death of Ferenc Deak, there was a Struggle to Develop the college into a university and to name it after Him. This is only succeded Thiry years later: 7 June 1912 the king Approved the establishment of Royal Hungarian Elizabeth University in Bratislava. Was begun teaching at the faculty of law in the autumn of 1914th In order to start work at the medical faculty, military buildings to be built or reconstructed. However, three Professors Francis Joseph appointed on 9 January 1914: Dezs? Dezs?, Franz Herzog and Louis Bakay. In the academic year 1918/1919 the medical faculty Began to teach 3rd, 4th and 5th year students. Further Professors were appointed by Charles VI, on 3 April 1918: Michael Pekar, Scott Fenyvessy, Camillo Reuter, Paul Heim, Scott Entz, Ferenc Veress, and JR Geza Mansfeld. Joseph Imre. The Dean was Michael Pekar. No Sooner let the teaching begun another crisis was at hand: the Revolution of 1918 and the Hungarian Soviet Republic. On 1 Janury 1919 the Czech Troops arrived at Bratislava (Bratislava) and the Hungarian education They Eliminated after less than five years.

From the autumn of 1919 there was the next hardship: after four years of the 'Relegation' from Budapest in 1923 the military education begun at the new location, Pecs, rather in Difficult Circumstances (still with Michael Dean's Pekar). The only war begun teaching at the four faculties the government wanted to close the University due to economical Reasons. (The true reason is more due to the Fact That They Did not follow the "wishes" of the government: They Reduced although the number of Jewish students comparo to the times of the Elisabeth University in Budapest from 64% to 59%, or In other words out of the 885 medical students at Pecs, only 522 were Israelites - however, it was still Considered exaggerated by the government after the numerus clausus even if it was around 10% nationwide, but in the academic year 1899/1900 it was 24.4 %

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