About The University
UP is the leading research university in South Africa and one of the largest in the country.The University has six campuses as well as a number of other sites of operation , such as the Pretoria Academic Hospital. Central administration is located at the Hatfield campus.The University of Pretoria offers more than 1800 academic programmes in two of the official languages, namely Afrikaans and English. (Some programmes and modules are offered only in English.)In 1996, the University of Pretoria became the university with the highest research output in South Africa and have maintained this status.
The academic programmes of the University are offered in the nine faculties stated below, as well as a business school. The faculties comprise a total of 140 departments and 85 centres, institutes and bureaus.UP is at the forefront of tertiary education in the country and collaborate with world-class partners to ensure continued excellence in learning and teaching.The Faculty is led by a top management team: a Dean, three lines of Business Managers, i.e. a Deputy Dean: Teaching and Training, a Deputy Dean: Community Service and Interaction and a Deputy Dean: Research, as well as a Faculty Manager.
Since opening our doors over 50 years ago on the south-western tip of Africa, the Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University has become an undisputed and indispensable leader in the field of health sciences in South Africa and on the African continent.
The Faculty position in academic health is unique. Our modern infrastructure and sophisticated research facilities, combined with our interaction with communities, affected by a wide range of diseases - many of which are rarely seen in the modern-day world - present our students, researchers and clinicians with opportunities for collaborative research that contributes to an international pool of knowledge.
This knowledge build capacity in all spheres of health care, specifically on the African continent, but with important global implications.
The Faculty of Health Sciences is situated on the Tygerberg Campus in the northern suburbs of Cape Town. The campus is 35km from the town of Stellenbosch where the University has its main campus, and 20km from the Cape Town City Centre.
The Campus, adjacent to the Tygerberg Hospital, comprises a Clinical Building, the Fisan Building and an Education Block.
Faculty of Education
The Faculty of Education is one of the largest and most diverse facilities in South Africa for the initial and advanced training of education professionals from across the world.
The Faculty is housed on the beautiful and self-contained Groenkloof Campus of the University of Pretoria. This Faculty has the widest range of programmes for any student who intends to embark on education studies. In recent years, each of these programmes was internationally benchmarked and draws growing numbers of students from countries across the globe
The Faculty of Education has built its reputation on excellence in research and innovation in teaching. The Faculty has completely revised its suite of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to ensure that it is at the cutting-edge of teacher development and research innovation.
In the undergraduate programme, one of the innovations is to dramatically increase the amount of time spent by pre-service teachers on the school-site under the mentorship of highly competent mentor teachers who are trained and supported by the University. This model of learning to teach through on-site observation and practice (rather than through extended periods of theoretical training) has given our students a definite advantage in the market with the result that all of them find placement in schools well ahead of completion of their studies.
In the postgraduate programme, the Faculty has sharply increased selectivity into our Masters and PhD programmes to ensure that the quality of research and the culture of research is built around a group of highly motivated and highly intelligent students who would make a major national and international contributions in their fields of professional endeavour.
Students entering study at any level will therefore find a competitive but supportive environment in which every student is taken seriously and competently prepared to excel as a professional in any part of the world.
The Faculty prepares pre-service students for teaching, using the new national curriculum, from Grade 1 through to Grade 12. Specializations include science, mathematics and technology education; early childhood education; arts, languages and human movement studies education; social studies; and many more. Students are actively encouraged to participate in a wide range of cultural, physical and social activities (including music, sport and dramatic performances) that ensure a much broader education than what is offered in the lecture halls and laboratories.
The Faculty prepares education and training professionals who come from pre-primary, primary and high schools; clinics and hospitals; the training environment in business and industry; government and non-governmental organisations; and from the adult and community education sectors. Students can pursue advanced studies in education law and policy, computer integrated education, alternative and augmentative education, and curriculum and assessment design to mention but a few. Students in this Faculty benefit from a strong library with one of the most comprehensive collection of research journals in education; a well-equipped Postgraduate Research Centre, and programmed opportunities (such as the Annual Postgraduate Student Research Indaba) for presenting and defending emerging student research.
Faculty of Health Sciences
The Faculty of Health Sciences is recognized nationally and internationally as an outstanding institution in terms of its education of health professionals, its research and its clinical service. Furthermore, it is an institution with a tradition of excellence and a proud history. A great health sciences institution, however, never rests comfortably on its past successes. A great health sciences institution does more than make history it makes the future. The Faculty management is deeply committed and this has been translated into an action agenda which recognises the need for constant innovation and is dedicated to meet the health sciences challenges: those not yet conquered and those not yet known.
Students learn to make a life, make a living and make a difference. Graduates become community leaders that are distinct in their ability to think, communicate and contribute.
Research in the Faculty of Health Sciences has a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches.
Community Service & Interaction
Together with Research and Education, Community Service has been one of the corner-stones on which Stellenbosch University's Faculty of Health Sciences was established half a century ago.
A health sciences faculty is by its very nature an integral part of the society in which it operates - in particular through the delivery of clinical services. The FHS is no exception. However, we have recognised right from the start that, given the disease profile and health needs of our country and our continent, community interaction in the African context demands a much stronger commitment from our Faculty and a much broader definition.
A community-campus partnership exists between the Faculty and the Provincial Health Department at the various regional hospitals and district level health facilities, as well as the National Health Laboratory Services. This provides the basis for engagement, at both the strategic and operational levels, between the university and the public health service in order to improve health while at the same time educating future health care professionals. The students (both at undergraduate and post graduate level) and clinical academics engage in the health service to provide a valuable service to the community, and are able to build a base of knowledge that will serve them well in their future careers in the health care system.
During their training, health professional experience health education at all levels in the health care system through our innovative in under-served metropolitan and rural areas, community health centres, family medicine practices, mobile clinics and schools, old age homes and the homes of patients, in the heart of various communities. In this respect, Stellenbosch has made a strategic decision to ensure that 50% of clinical training occurs in the community setting (at various regional hospitals, in the district health services and community based clinics and organisations).
Part of this is a rotation in a rural environment. The latter is facilitated through the Our students are also involved in voluntary community work, facilitated by the student welfare organisation, The faculty also partners with the private sector who support many aspects of teaching, training, and research.
Stellenbosch University's Faculty of Health Sciences has a reputation for research built over decades of diligent and persistent effort. We continue to perform as a leading research-rich environment with extensive international collaborations, in addition to national and local partnerships. A research agenda shaped by strategic research focus areas, ensures that our research activities address the major health challenges facing the African continent.
At our Faculty young and experienced researchers are able to take advantage of a range of ongoing capacity-building initiatives, including courses in research methods, administration, ethics, grantsmanship and scientific writing. A postgraduate office provides an effective, efficient and friendly one-stop service for students undertaking higher degrees. We plan to invest even further, and with greater purpose into facilitating research, through developing and renewing research infrastructure and providing career opportunities.
In recent years, our researchers have experienced unprecedented success with respect to the acquisition of external grants. With the privilege of being able to conduct research comes the responsibility to publish. It is pleasing, therefore, that our researchers are increasingly making their mark in the international literature. Even more satisfying is the mounting evidence that their research is positively influencing health policy and practice in South Africa and beyond.
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